Melodii Compuse de MICHAEL PALMER

90 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
7 Hope Love and Life SYNC 0131 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Shaker Slow 70
20 Hope 60s Love and Life SYNC 0131 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Shaker Slow 70
32 Hope 30s Love and Life SYNC 0131 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Shaker Slow 70
44 Hope 15s Love and Life SYNC 0131 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Shaker Slow 70
56 Hope (sting) Love and Life SYNC 0131 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Shaker Slow 70
7 Voodoo Blues American Travels SYNC 0230 Female Vocal,Acoustic Guitar,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 68
28 Voodoo Blues 60s American Travels SYNC 0230 Female Vocal,Acoustic Guitar,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 68
48 Voodoo Blues 30s American Travels SYNC 0230 Female Vocal,Acoustic Guitar,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 68
68 Voodoo Blues 15s American Travels SYNC 0230 Female Vocal,Acoustic Guitar,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 68
88 Voodoo Blues (sting) American Travels SYNC 0230 Female Vocal,Acoustic Guitar,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 68
2 Just Another Day Light and Friendly SYNC 0259 Piano,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Shaker,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 103
14 Just Another Day 60s Light and Friendly SYNC 0259 Piano,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Shaker,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 103
27 Just Another Day 30s Light and Friendly SYNC 0259 Piano,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Shaker,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 103
40 Just Another Day 15s Light and Friendly SYNC 0259 Piano,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Shaker,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 103
53 Just Another Day (sting) Light and Friendly SYNC 0259 Piano,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Shaker,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 103