Album: Light and Friendly - SYNC 0259

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1WarmheartedThomas BrownMid Tempo64
2Just Another DayMichael PalmerMid Tempo103
3MischiefMartin GrattonMid Tempo130
4Sunday Driving WilxMid Tempo65
5On The RiverPaul TyanSlow90
6Dispersed LightThomas BrownSlow60
7ContentmentReuben CornellMid Tempo90
8Show Jump WilxUp Tempo84
9A World TripPaul TyanMid Tempo100
10Early BirdThomas BrownMid Tempo63
11New Pastures WilxUp Tempo80
12Little TravellerPaul TyanMid Tempo120
13Warmhearted 60sThomas BrownMid Tempo64
14Just Another Day 60sMichael PalmerMid Tempo103
15Mischief 60sMartin GrattonMid Tempo130
16Sunday Driving 60s WilxMid Tempo65
17On The River 60sPaul TyanSlow90
18Dispersed Light 60sThomas BrownSlow60
19Contentment (Vibes Mix) 60sReuben CornellMid Tempo90
20Contentment 60sReuben CornellMid Tempo90
21Show Jump 60s WilxUp Tempo84
22A World Trip 60sPaul TyanMid Tempo100
23Early Bird 60sThomas BrownMid Tempo63
24New Pastures 60s WilxUp Tempo80
25Little Traveller 60sPaul TyanMid Tempo120
26Warmhearted 30sThomas BrownMid Tempo64
27Just Another Day 30sMichael PalmerMid Tempo103
28Mischief 30sMartin GrattonMid Tempo130
29Sunday Driving 30s WilxMid Tempo65
30On The River 30sPaul TyanSlow90
31Dispersed Light 30sThomas BrownSlow60
32Contentment (Vibes Mix) 30sReuben CornellMid Tempo90
33Contentment 30sReuben CornellMid Tempo90
34Show Jump 30s WilxUp Tempo84
35A World Trip 30sPaul TyanMid Tempo100
36Early Bird 30sThomas BrownMid Tempo63
37New Pastures 30s WilxUp Tempo80
38Little Traveller 30sPaul TyanMid Tempo120
39Warmhearted 15sThomas BrownMid Tempo64
40Just Another Day 15sMichael PalmerMid Tempo103
41Mischief 15sMartin GrattonMid Tempo130
42Sunday Driving 15s WilxMid Tempo65
43On The River 15sPaul TyanSlow90
44Dispersed Light 15sThomas BrownSlow60
45Contentment (Vibes Mix) 15sReuben CornellMid Tempo90
46Contentment 15sReuben CornellMid Tempo90
47Show Jump 15s WilxUp Tempo84
48A World Trip 15sPaul TyanMid Tempo100
49Early Bird 15sThomas BrownMid Tempo63
50New Pastures 15s WilxUp Tempo80
51Little Traveller 15sPaul TyanMid Tempo120
52Warmhearted (sting)Thomas BrownMid Tempo64
53Just Another Day (sting)Michael PalmerMid Tempo103
54Mischief (sting)Martin GrattonMid Tempo130
55Sunday Driving (sting) WilxMid Tempo65
56On The River (sting)Paul TyanSlow90
57Dispersed Light (sting)Thomas BrownSlow60
58Contentment (Vibes Mix) (sting)Reuben CornellMid Tempo90
59Contentment (sting)Reuben CornellMid Tempo90
60Show Jump (sting) WilxUp Tempo84
61A World Trip (sting)Paul TyanMid Tempo100
62Early Bird (sting)Thomas BrownMid Tempo63
63New Pastures (sting) WilxUp Tempo80
64Little Traveller (sting)Paul TyanMid Tempo120