Melodii Compuse de MARTIN GRATTON

1435 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
12 Happy Memories Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Strings,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
13 Tenderness 60s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 120
14 Romance In Paris 60s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Percussion,Instrumental,Accordion,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 60
17 Alone With You 60s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 66
24 Happy Memories 60s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Strings,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
25 Tenderness 30s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 120
26 Romance In Paris 30s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Percussion,Instrumental,Accordion,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 60
29 Alone With You 30s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 66
36 Happy Memories 30s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Strings,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
37 Tenderness 15s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 120
38 Romance In Paris 15s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Percussion,Instrumental,Accordion,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 60
41 Alone With You 15s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 66
48 Happy Memories 15s Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Strings,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
49 Tenderness (sting) Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 120
50 Romance In Paris (sting) Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Percussion,Instrumental,Accordion,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 60
53 Alone With You (sting) Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 66
60 Happy Memories (sting) Endlessly Romantic SYNC 0315 Strings,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
8 Sparkles Glow Simply Optimistic SYNC 0317 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Celeste,Music Box Mid Tempo 120
20 Sparkles Glow 60s Simply Optimistic SYNC 0317 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Celeste,Music Box Mid Tempo 120
31 Sparkles Glow 30s Simply Optimistic SYNC 0317 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Celeste,Music Box Mid Tempo 120
42 Sparkles Glow 15s Simply Optimistic SYNC 0317 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Celeste,Music Box Mid Tempo 120
53 Sparkles Glow (sting) Simply Optimistic SYNC 0317 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Celeste,Music Box Mid Tempo 120
1 Longing For The Past Human Drama SYNC 0327 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 100
2 Silent Worry Human Drama SYNC 0327 Instrumental,Synth,Electric Piano Slow 52
3 Many Regrets Human Drama SYNC 0327 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Synth Slow 105