Album: Human Drama - SYNC 0327

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Longing For The PastMartin GrattonSlow100
2Silent WorryMartin GrattonSlow52
3Many RegretsMartin GrattonSlow105
4Lost In ThoughtMartin GrattonSlow53
5Underlying UncertaintyMartin GrattonSlow60
6Wiping TearsMartin GrattonSlow60
7MemoirsMartin GrattonSlow63
8Troubled WatersMartin GrattonSlow55
9QuestioningMartin GrattonMid Tempo117
10Memories Of WinterMartin GrattonSlow100
11Into The PastMartin GrattonSlow57
12Mists Of TimeMartin GrattonSlow60
13Longing For The Past 60sMartin GrattonSlow100
14Silent Worry 60sMartin GrattonSlow52
15Many Regrets 60sMartin GrattonSlow105
16Lost In Thought 60sMartin GrattonSlow53
17Underlying Uncertainty 60sMartin GrattonSlow60
18Wiping Tears 60sMartin GrattonSlow60
19Memoirs 60sMartin GrattonSlow63
20Troubled Waters 60sMartin GrattonSlow55
21Questioning 60sMartin GrattonMid Tempo117
22Memories Of Winter 60sMartin GrattonSlow100
23Into The Past 60sMartin GrattonSlow57
24Mists Of Time 60sMartin GrattonSlow60
25Longing For The Past 30sMartin GrattonSlow100
26Silent Worry 30sMartin GrattonSlow52
27Many Regrets 30sMartin GrattonSlow105
28Lost In Thought 30sMartin GrattonSlow53
29Underlying Uncertainty 30sMartin GrattonSlow60
30Wiping Tears 30sMartin GrattonSlow60
31Memoirs 30sMartin GrattonSlow63
32Troubled Waters 30sMartin GrattonSlow55
33Questioning 30sMartin GrattonMid Tempo117
34Memories Of Winter 30sMartin GrattonSlow100
35Into The Past 30sMartin GrattonSlow57
36Mists Of Time 30sMartin GrattonSlow60
37Longing For The Past 15sMartin GrattonSlow100
38Silent Worry 15sMartin GrattonSlow52
39Many Regrets 15sMartin GrattonSlow105
40Lost In Thought 15sMartin GrattonSlow53
41Underlying Uncertainty 15sMartin GrattonSlow60
42Wiping Tears 15sMartin GrattonSlow60
43Memoirs 15sMartin GrattonSlow63
44Troubled Waters 15sMartin GrattonSlow55
45Questioning 15sMartin GrattonMid Tempo117
46Memories Of Winter 15sMartin GrattonSlow100
47Into The Past 15sMartin GrattonSlow57
48Mists Of Time 15sMartin GrattonSlow60
49Longing For The Past (sting)Martin GrattonSlow100
50Silent Worry (sting)Martin GrattonSlow52
51Many Regrets (sting)Martin GrattonSlow105
52Lost In Thought (sting)Martin GrattonSlow53
53Underlying Uncertainty (sting)Martin GrattonSlow60
54Wiping Tears (sting)Martin GrattonSlow60
55Memoirs (sting)Martin GrattonSlow63
56Troubled Waters (sting)Martin GrattonSlow55
57Questioning (sting)Martin GrattonMid Tempo117
58Memories Of Winter (sting)Martin GrattonSlow100
59Into The Past (sting)Martin GrattonSlow57
60Mists Of Time (sting)Martin GrattonSlow60