Melodii Compuse de GREGORY HARWOOD

138 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
3 High Tides The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Rock Band,Guitar Up Tempo 130
5 Flight Path The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Drums,Rock Band,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 95
20 High Tides 60s The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Rock Band,Guitar Up Tempo 130
22 Flight Path 60s The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Drums,Rock Band,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 0
33 High Tides 30s The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Rock Band,Guitar Up Tempo 130
35 Flight Path 30s The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Drums,Rock Band,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 0
46 High Tides 15s The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Rock Band,Guitar Up Tempo 130
48 Flight Path 15s The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Drums,Rock Band,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 0
59 High Tides (sting) The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Rock Band,Guitar Up Tempo 130
61 Flight Path (sting) The Indie Setlist SYNC 0272 Electric Guitar,Drums,Rock Band,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 0
12 Ready Steady Whoa Acoustic Advertising SYNC 0276 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 98
25 Ready Steady Whoa 60s Acoustic Advertising SYNC 0276 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 98
37 Ready Steady Whoa 30s Acoustic Advertising SYNC 0276 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 98
49 Ready Steady Whoa 15s Acoustic Advertising SYNC 0276 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 98
61 Ready Steady Whoa (sting) Acoustic Advertising SYNC 0276 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 98
9 Sun Walk Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Instrumental,Drums,Acoustic Up Tempo 98
21 Sun Walk 60s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Instrumental,Drums,Acoustic Up Tempo 98
33 Sun Walk 30s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Instrumental,Drums,Acoustic Up Tempo 98
45 Sun Walk 15s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Instrumental,Drums,Acoustic Up Tempo 98
57 Sun Walk (sting) Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Instrumental,Drums,Acoustic Up Tempo 98
5 Drift Out Electronic Mashup SYNC 0280 Electronic,Beats,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 122
17 Drift Out 60s Electronic Mashup SYNC 0280 Electronic,Beats,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 122
29 Drift Out 30s Electronic Mashup SYNC 0280 Electronic,Beats,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 122
41 Drift Out 15s Electronic Mashup SYNC 0280 Electronic,Beats,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 122
57 Drift Out (sting) Electronic Mashup SYNC 0280 Electronic,Beats,Vocal Sample Mid Tempo 122