Melodii Compuse de GREGORY HARWOOD

138 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
1 Zero Degrees Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 125
2 Berlin Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 127
7 Club Land Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Up Tempo 128
18 Zero Degrees 60s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 125
19 Berlin 60s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 127
24 Club Land 60s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Up Tempo 128
33 Zero Degrees 30s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 125
34 Berlin 30s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 127
39 Club Land 30s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Up Tempo 128
49 Zero Degrees 15s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 125
50 Berlin 15s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 127
55 Club Land 15s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Up Tempo 128
65 Zero Degrees (sting) Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 125
66 Berlin (sting) Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 127
71 Club Land (sting) Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Up Tempo 128
1 Returning Home Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Glockenspiel,Recorder,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 110
2 On The Horizon Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Piano,Strings,Drum,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 135
9 Toy Industries Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 110
10 To Success Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Acoustic Guitars,Drums,Tuned Percussion,Keyboard,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 143
15 Returning Home 60s Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Glockenspiel,Recorder,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 110
16 On The Horizon 60s Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Piano,Strings,Drum,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 135
23 Toy Industries 60s Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 110
24 To Success 60s Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Acoustic Guitars,Drums,Tuned Percussion,Keyboard,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 143
27 Returning Home 30s Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Percussion,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Glockenspiel,Recorder,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 110
28 On The Horizon 30s Light and Positive Moods SYNC 0140 Piano,Strings,Drum,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 135