Melodii Compuse de ALAN JAY REED

714 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
18 Self Driving Cars (Reduced) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Synthesizer,Drums,Pads medium 108
18 Self Driving Cars (15) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Synthesizer,Drums,Pads,Vocal Effects medium 108
18 Self Driving Cars (30) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Synthesizer,Drums,Pads,Vocal Effects medium 108
19 In Love with a Chatbot ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Piano,Synthesizer,Pads,Cello slow 82
19 In Love with a Chatbot (Reduced) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Piano slow 82
19 In Love with a Chatbot (Reduced 2) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Piano,Synthesizer slow 82
19 In Love with a Chatbot (15) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Piano,Synthesizer,Pads,Cello slow 82
19 In Love with a Chatbot (30) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Piano,Synthesizer,Pads,Cello slow 82
20 Digital Immortality ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Pads,Synthesizer,Choir Atmospheres,Percussion slow 88
20 Digital Immortality (Reduced) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Pads,Synthesizer,Choir Atmospheres slow 88
20 Digital Immortality (15) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Pads,Synthesizer,Choir Atmospheres,Percussion slow 88
20 Digital Immortality (30) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MSC44 Pads,Synthesizer,Choir Atmospheres,Percussion slow 88
22 My Weird Family POLITICAL COMEDY MSC52 Piano,Vibraphone,Percussion,Synthesizer,Drums,Xylophone,Electric Guitar,Strings medium 120
22 My Weird Family (Reduced) POLITICAL COMEDY MSC52 Piano,Vibraphone,Percussion,Synthesizer,Drums,Xylophone,Electric Guitar,Strings medium 120
22 My Weird Family (15) POLITICAL COMEDY MSC52 Piano,Vibraphone,Percussion,Synthesizer,Drums,Xylophone,Electric Guitar,Strings medium 120
22 My Weird Family (30) POLITICAL COMEDY MSC52 Piano,Vibraphone,Percussion,Synthesizer,Drums,Xylophone,Electric Guitar,Strings medium 120
5 Take Me to the Limit REALITY MISSION MSC53 Percussion,Synthesizer,Pads,Orchestra,Sound Effects medium 105
5 Take Me to the Limit (Reduced) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Percussion,Synthesizer,Pads,Orchestra,Sound Effects medium 105
5 Take Me to the Limit (Reduced 2) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Percussion,Synthesizer,Pads,Orchestra,Sound Effects medium 105
5 Take Me to the Limit (15) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Percussion,Synthesizer,Pads,Orchestra,Sound Effects medium 105
5 Take Me to the Limit (30) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Percussion,Synthesizer,Pads,Orchestra,Sound Effects medium 105
15 Conquer Paradise REALITY MISSION MSC53 Sound Effects,Percussion,Synthesizer,Orchestra medium 104
15 Conquer Paradise (Reduced) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Sound Effects,Percussion,Synthesizer,Orchestra medium 104
15 Conquer Paradise (15) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Sound Effects,Percussion,Synthesizer,Orchestra medium 104
15 Conquer Paradise (30) REALITY MISSION MSC53 Sound Effects,Percussion,Synthesizer,Orchestra medium 104