Versiuni alternative ale piesei "Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm" de Milton Castellar Corral

Track No. Track Title Version Composer Album Album ID
5 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
60 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Instrumental Mix Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
61 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Drums & Bass Mix Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
62 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Bass STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
63 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Brass STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
64 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Drums STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
65 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm FX STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
66 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Hats STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
67 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Jungle Drums STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
68 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Percussion STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
69 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Snare STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
70 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Synth And Guitar STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921
71 Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm Gm Vocals STEM Milton Castellar Corral Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) STYE921