Album: Let's Party (Sexy Driving Pop Songs) - STYE921

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1About To Go Down 96Bpm FMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
2No Holding Back 132Bpm DmMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
3Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
4Let's Party 110Bpm DmMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
5Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
6All In 130Bpm CmMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
7About To Go Down 96Bpm FInstrumental MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
8About To Go Down 96Bpm FDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
9About To Go Down 96Bpm FBackground Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
10About To Go Down 96Bpm FBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
11About To Go Down 96Bpm FBrass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
12About To Go Down 96Bpm FChoir STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
13About To Go Down 96Bpm FClaps STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
14About To Go Down 96Bpm FFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
15About To Go Down 96Bpm FHats STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
16About To Go Down 96Bpm FKick Snare STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
17About To Go Down 96Bpm FLead Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
18About To Go Down 96Bpm FPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
19About To Go Down 96Bpm FSnare STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
20About To Go Down 96Bpm FSynth STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow96
21No Holding Back 132Bpm DmInstrumental MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
22No Holding Back 132Bpm DmDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
23No Holding Back 132Bpm DmBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
24No Holding Back 132Bpm DmBrass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
25No Holding Back 132Bpm DmClaps STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
26No Holding Back 132Bpm DmDrums STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
27No Holding Back 132Bpm DmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
28No Holding Back 132Bpm DmHats STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
29No Holding Back 132Bpm DmKick Snare STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
30No Holding Back 132Bpm DmLead Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
31No Holding Back 132Bpm DmPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
32No Holding Back 132Bpm DmSynth STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
33No Holding Back 132Bpm DmVocal Chop STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
34No Holding Back 132Bpm DmVocal Chop- STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo132
35Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CInstrumental MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
36Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
37Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CBackground Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
38Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
39Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CClaps STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
40Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CDrums STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
41Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
42Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CHats STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
43Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CKick Snare STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
44Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CLead Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
45Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
46Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CSynth STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
47Put Your Eyes On Me 105Bpm CVocal Chop STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo105
48Let's Party 110Bpm DmInstrumental MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
49Let's Party 110Bpm DmDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
50Let's Party 110Bpm DmBackground Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
51Let's Party 110Bpm DmBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
52Let's Party 110Bpm DmBrass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
53Let's Party 110Bpm DmClaps STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
54Let's Party 110Bpm DmDrums STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
55Let's Party 110Bpm DmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
56Let's Party 110Bpm DmHats STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
57Let's Party 110Bpm DmLead Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
58Let's Party 110Bpm DmPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
59Let's Party 110Bpm DmSnare STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo110
60Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmInstrumental MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
61Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
62Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
63Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmBrass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
64Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmDrums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
65Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
66Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmHats STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
67Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmJungle Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
68Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
69Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmSnare STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
70Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmSynth And Guitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
71Wall Of Diamonds 80Bpm GmVocals STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow80
72All In 130Bpm CmInstrumental MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
73All In 130Bpm CmDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
74All In 130Bpm CmBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
75All In 130Bpm CmClaps STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
76All In 130Bpm CmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
77All In 130Bpm CmHats STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
78All In 130Bpm CmKick Snare STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
79All In 130Bpm CmLead Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
80All In 130Bpm CmPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
81All In 130Bpm CmShouts STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
82All In 130Bpm CmSnare STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
83All In 130Bpm CmString STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130
84All In 130Bpm CmSynth And Guitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo130