Label Sonoton Vanguard - 62889 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
23 Yiddish Welcome Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Klaus Osterloh
24 Old Deep River Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Hans Ehrlinger
25 Happy Wanderer Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Hans Ehrlinger
26 Window Wiper, The Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Klaus Osterloh
27 Mister Wendelin Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Lothar Kloeren
28 Good Old Pete Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Hans Ehrlinger
29 Polly Wolly Holiday Dixieland Fun And Swing SCDV-9 Hans Ehrlinger
30 Ranger'S Home Rock Jam SCDV-9 Gil Flat
1 Crossed Wires Rock Jam SCDV-10 Mike Trim
2 Crossed Wires Rock Jam SCDV-10 Mike Trim
3 Crossed Wires Rock Jam SCDV-10 Mike Trim
4 Don'T Blame Me A Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
5 Don'T Blame Me B Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
6 Don'T Blame Me Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
7 Don'T Blame Me Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
8 I Got You A Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
9 I Got You B Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
10 I Got You Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
11 I Got You Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
12 It Fits A Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
13 It Fits B Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
14 It Fits Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
15 It Fits Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
16 Take Me A Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert
17 Take Me B Rock Jam SCDV-10 Peter Kellert