Label Sonoton Authentic Series - 8139 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
30 Dulcimer Impression Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 Oliva Petr
31 Twinkling Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 Oliva Petr
32 Fujara Variations Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 DP
33 Gypsy Love Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 DP
34 Fujara Medley Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 DP
35 Mountain Mood Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 DP
36 Slovakian Czardas Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 DP
37 Violinissimo Authentic Czech & Slovak Republics SAS-58 DP
1 King Wladyslaw Jagiello Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
2 Folk Polonaise Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
3 Polonaise Authentic Poland SAS-59 Kiesewetter Tomasz M.
4 Clean Water Authentic Poland SAS-59 Cupak Czeslaw
5 Piastowski Mazurka Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
6 Cracow Neighbourhood Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
7 Memories From Ojcow Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
8 From Cracow To Makow Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
9 Souvenir For You, A Authentic Poland SAS-59 Rososinski Stanislaw
10 Happy Circle, A Authentic Poland SAS-59 Rososinski Stanislaw
11 Oberek From Poznan Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
12 Wedding Oberek Authentic Poland SAS-59 Trzeciak Stanislaw
13 Lazy Authentic Poland SAS-59 Maciejewski Stefan
14 At The Raciborz Marketplace Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
15 Sly Sophie Authentic Poland SAS-59 Dzierzanowski Feliks
16 Courting Clarinets Authentic Poland SAS-59 DP
17 Cieszyn Polka Authentic Poland SAS-59 DP