Label Sonoton Authentic Series - 8139 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
4 Mayo Pata Retamita 2 Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
5 Siway Azucena Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
6 Waynito Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
7 Kitula Wawa Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
8 T'Ola Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
9 Khomerkocha Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
10 El Triste Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
11 Quena 1 Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
12 Quena 2 Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
13 Sorata Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
14 Sonkoy Sua Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
15 Wanka Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
16 Lunarejitu Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
17 Contradanza Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
18 Qullur Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
19 Baile De Los Negritos Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
20 Yaravi Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Ayllu
28 Galopera Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 German de Guaira
29 Piririta Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Sixto Ramon Pedrozo
30 Pajaro Colorin Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 German de Guaira
31 Pequena Mariposa Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 German de Guaira
32 Madrecita Mia Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 Sixto Ramon Pedrozo
33 Canto Al Paraguay Authentic South America -The Andes SAS-45 German de Guaira
1 Arara Song Authentic South America 5 - The Amazon SAS-46 Ricardo Alves
2 Healing Authentic South America 5 - The Amazon SAS-46 Ricardo Alves