Label De Wolfe Vinyl - 7384 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
28 Toulouse SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 Kirk Lomax
29 Polka Time SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 Kirk Lomax
30 Italian Serenade SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 Roberto Cardinali
31 La Margherita SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 Roberto Cardinali
32 Clementine SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
33 Cockles And Mussels SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
34 The Grand Old Duke Of York SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
35 Ten Green Bottles SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
36 Three Blind Mice SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
37 Polly Wolly Doodle SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
38 Coventry Carol SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 Iain Raymond (Arr)
39 While Shepherds Watched SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
40 St Anthony Chorale SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
41 Raindrops SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick (Arr.)
42 Ethereal Effects SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick
43 Ascending Chords SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick
44 Descending Chords SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick
45 Celeste Arpeggios SOLO SOUNDS - VOLUME 3 DWLP 3543 George Warwick
1 Big Game AFRICA: FROM OTHER LANDS DWLP 3547 John Leach
2 African Waters AFRICA: FROM OTHER LANDS DWLP 3547 John Leach
3 Famine AFRICA: FROM OTHER LANDS DWLP 3547 John Leach
4 Treetops AFRICA: FROM OTHER LANDS DWLP 3547 John Leach
5 Flute Band AFRICA: FROM OTHER LANDS DWLP 3547 John Leach
6 Coffee Plantation AFRICA: FROM OTHER LANDS DWLP 3547 John Leach