Label De Wolfe Vinyl - 7384 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
13 Fanfare D ROVING REPORT DWLP 3093 James Howe
14 Call Signs No. 1 ROVING REPORT DWLP 3093 Keith Chesher
15 Call Signs No. 2 ROVING REPORT DWLP 3093 Keith Chesher
16 Call Signs No. 3 ROVING REPORT DWLP 3093 Keith Chesher
17 Call Signs No. 4 ROVING REPORT DWLP 3093 Keith Chesher
1 Pays De Legende (Land Of Legend) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
2 Vision De Frayeur (Vision Of Fear) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
3 Le Voyageur (The Traveller) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
4 Pastorale Des Montagnes (Mountain Pastoral) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
5 Eveil A L'Aube (Dawn Awakening) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
6 Appel Des Morts (Call Of The Dead) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
7 Ronde Infernal (Infernal Dance) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
8 Au Fil De L'Eau (Flowing Water) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
9 Ciel Nocturne (Evening Sky) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
11 Scene De Desolation (Scene Of Desolation) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
12 Jardin De Paradis (Garden Of Paradise) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
13 Aridite (Barren Earth) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
14 Rejouissance (Rejoicing) FOURTEEN PICTORIAL SKETCHES FOR ORCHESTRA DWLP 3095 Edward Michael
1 The Politics Of War WORLD WAR ONE DWLP 3106 Paul Lewis
2 Farewell London Town WORLD WAR ONE DWLP 3106 Paul Lewis
3 A Soldier's Duty WORLD WAR ONE DWLP 3106 Paul Lewis
4 Thoughts Of Home WORLD WAR ONE DWLP 3106 Paul Lewis
5 Piccadilly 1914 WORLD WAR ONE DWLP 3106 Paul Lewis
6 King And Country WORLD WAR ONE DWLP 3106 Paul Lewis