Label De Wolfe Vinyl - 7384 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
6 Academy Award THE MUSIC OF STANLEY BLACK DWLP 2977 Stanley Black
7 Swinging Chimp THE MUSIC OF STANLEY BLACK DWLP 2977 Stanley Black
8 House Of Fashion THE MUSIC OF STANLEY BLACK DWLP 2977 Stanley Black
9 Berlin Wall THE MUSIC OF STANLEY BLACK DWLP 2977 Stanley Black
1 American Sports Scene No. 1 AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Jack Trombey
2 American Sports Scene No. 2 AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Jack Trombey
3 American Sports Scene No. 3 AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Jack Trombey
4 American Sports Scene No. 4 AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Jack Trombey
5 Sporting Highlights AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Hugh Granville
6 Lively Sports March AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 John Reids
7 American Stadium Swing March AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 John Reids
8 American Sports March No. 5 AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Jack Trombey
9 Sports Page AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Walter Warren
10 Jumping The Gun AMERICAN SPORTS SCENE DWLP 2982 Cyril Watters
1 New Breed THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
2 Time For Loving THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
3 On The Move THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
4 Time For Sighing THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
5 Where The Action Is THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
6 Duet For Flugelhorns THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
7 Here Today Gone Tomorrow THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
8 Tensions THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
9 Orchestral Version - Main Theme THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
10 Attack THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman
11 Little Loving THE NEW BREED DWLP 3019 John Coleman