Label Arcadia Esovision - 1084 results

Track No. Track Title Album Album ID Composer
2 Wayang Golek Javanese Shadow Plays EV-136 Ewuare
3 Wayang Wong Javanese Shadow Plays EV-136 Ewuare
4 Wayang Topeng Javanese Shadow Plays EV-136 Ewuare
1 Legong Balinese Temple Dances EV-137 Ewuare
2 Monkey Dance Balinese Temple Dances EV-137 Ewuare
1 Dixie Lullaby Afro-American Gospel EV-138 Ewuare
2 The Reverend's Sermon Afro-American Gospel EV-138 Ewuare
3 Call And Response Spiritual Afro-American Gospel EV-138 Ewuare
4 Clapping To God Afro-American Gospel EV-138 Ewuare
5 Funeral Rites Afro-American Gospel EV-138 Ewuare
6 The Lord's Jubilee Afro-American Gospel EV-138 Ewuare
1 Contemporary Maqamat Iranian Inspiration EV-139 Ewuare
2 Taqsim Iranian Inspiration EV-139 Ewuare
3 Basrav Iranian Inspiration EV-139 Ewuare
1 Earth Elements EV-14 Endrizzi Massimo
2 Air Elements EV-14 Endrizzi Massimo
3 Water Elements EV-14 Endrizzi Massimo
4 Fire Elements EV-14 Endrizzi Massimo
1 Dancing Dervishes Persian Compositions EV-140 Ewuare
2 Dastgah Persian Compositions EV-140 Ewuare
3 Shahnama Persian Compositions EV-140 Ewuare
1 Samba Energico Brazilian Rites EV-141 Ewuare
2 Carne Vale Brazilian Rites EV-141 Ewuare
3 Macumba Brazilian Rites EV-141 Ewuare
4 Umbanda Brazilian Rites EV-141 Ewuare