Melodii Compuse de YU NAMIKOSHI

339 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
55 Begin The Journey 30s Great Adventures SYNC 0370 Strings,Percussion,Instrumental,Drums,Chinese Flute,Zheng Up Tempo 80
64 Destination 30s Great Adventures SYNC 0370 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Up Tempo 180
68 Begin The Journey 15s Great Adventures SYNC 0370 Strings,Percussion,Instrumental,Drums,Chinese Flute,Zheng Up Tempo 80
77 Destination 15s Great Adventures SYNC 0370 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Up Tempo 180
81 Begin The Journey (sting) Great Adventures SYNC 0370 Strings,Percussion,Instrumental,Drums,Chinese Flute,Zheng Up Tempo 80
90 Destination (sting) Great Adventures SYNC 0370 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Up Tempo 180
1 Eerie Asian Atmosphere Ambient East SFT 238 gong, bowls, shamizen, synthesizer Down Tempo 70
2 Just Where It Leads Ambient East SFT 238 strings, shakuhachi, shamizen, percussion Down Tempo 70
3 Echo Strange Ambient East SFT 238 shakuhachi, taiko drum, synthesizer, percussion, strings Down Tempo 70
4 Road of the Emperor Ambient East SFT 238 taiko drum, strings, shakuhachi, percussion, voices, shamizen Down Tempo 70
5 Shadow of Haku Ambient East SFT 238 strings, koto, shakuhachi, synthesizer Down Tempo 70
6 Shipyard Drama Ambient East SFT 238 shakuhachi, taiko drum, synthesizer, percussion, gong Down Tempo 80
7 Bleak Tension Ambient East SFT 238 shamizen, synthesizer Down Tempo 80
8 A Land Apart Ambient East SFT 238 taiko drum, shakuhachi, strings, koto, synthesizer Down Tempo 70
9 Place of Mystery Ambient East SFT 238 koto, synthesizer, sitar, shakuhachi Down Tempo 70
10 Yangtze Morning Ambient East SFT 238 piano, shakuhachi, taiko drum, synthesizer, strings Down Tempo 70
11 Mysterious Fear Ambient East SFT 238 synthesizer, voices, gong Down Tempo 70
12 Murder by Night Ambient East SFT 238 percussion, shamizen, synthesizer Down Tempo 70
13 Approaching the Temple Ambient East SFT 238 strings, percussion, shakuhachi, synthesizer Down Tempo 70
14 Road to Oblivion Ambient East SFT 238 shakuhachi, taiko drum, synthesizer, percussion, strings Down Tempo 70
15 Mysterious Bowls Ambient East SFT 238 shakuhachi, taiko drum, synthesizer, percussion, shamizen, strings Down Tempo 70
16 Thriller Tension Ambient East SFT 238 strings, synthesizer, shakuhachi, woodwinds, percussion Down Tempo 70
17 Sacred Sites Ambient East SFT 238 shakuhachi, strings, synthesizer, percussion, koto Down Tempo 70
18 Waiting for the Wind Ambient East SFT 238 strings, voices, percussion, synthesizer Down Tempo 70
19 Leading to Nowhere Ambient East SFT 238 synthesizer, shakuhachi, taiko drum, percussion Down Tempo 70