Melodii Compuse de WRIGHT OLIVER

1688 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
42 Chilled Lifestyle Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Synthesizer, Keyboards, Electric Bass Medium Fast 127
44 Double Shot Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Keyboards, Electric Guitar Medium Fast 101
46 Ice And a Slice Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Keyboards, Electric Bass, Strings Fast 130
47 Laidback Beats Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Acoustic Guitar, Piano, Strings Medium 87
52 Modern Day Lifestyle Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Hammond Organ, Piano Medium Fast 115
58 Transatlantic Sessions Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Electric Guitar, Dobro Guitar, Keyboards Medium 89
60 Wine Bar Grooves Chilled Lifestyles SMI0393 Electric Guitar, Keyboards Medium Fast 121
14 Play All Day Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Synth Drums Medium Fast 128
17 Special Report Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Strings, Percussion, Brass Fast 130
19 Urban Daily Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Electric Guitar Fast 148
21 The World Today Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Strings, Drones Medium Fast 120
35 Play All Day Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Synth Drums Medium Fast 128
38 Special Report Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Strings, Percussion, Brass Fast 130
40 Urban Daily Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Electric Guitar Fast 148
42 The World Today Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Strings, Drones Medium Fast 120
56 Play All Day Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Synth Drums Medium Fast 128
59 Special Report Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Strings, Percussion, Brass Fast 130
61 Urban Daily Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Electric Guitar Fast 148
63 The World Today Radio Newstalk SMI0394 Synthesizer, Strings, Drones Medium Fast 120
7 ELEGANCE (from SMI331) 20 SMI0395 Electric Guitar Medium 89
8 MOONLIGHT CRUISING (from SMI339) 20 SMI0395 Synthesizer, Trumpet Medium 83
10 LORRAINE (from SMI344) 20 SMI0395 Electric Guitar, Synthesizer Slow 59
19 SAMBA SPORTS (from SMI387) 20 SMI0395 Acoustic Guitar, Horns, Ethnic Percussion, Vocal oohs Medium Fast 126
20 HAPPY LARRY (from SMI389) 20 SMI0395 Acoustic Guitar, Whistle, Ukulele Medium Fast 108
27 ELEGANCE (from SMI331) 20 SMI0395 Electric Guitar Medium 89