Melodii Compuse de WARREN CHADWICK

211 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
74 Solar Phenomena (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Instrumental,Synth,Sound FX Slow 30
76 Controlled Fusion (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Strings,Vocals,Synth Slow 56
77 Ice Cold (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Strings,Vocals,Synth Slow 60
78 Sonar Echo (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Strings,Instrumental,Tuned Percussion,Synth Fx Slow 60
80 Magnetic Vortex (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Strings,Vocals,Synth Slow 60
84 New Dimensions (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Instrumental,Synth Fx Slow 60
86 Light Sensitive (sting) Spacescapes SYNC 0411 Instrumental,Synth Slow 40
13 Natural Rhythm Feel The Rhythm SYNC 0413 Percussion,Synth,Wood Block Mid Tempo 78
39 Natural Rhythm 60s Feel The Rhythm SYNC 0413 Percussion,Synth,Wood Block Mid Tempo 78
55 Natural Rhythm 30s Feel The Rhythm SYNC 0413 Percussion,Synth,Wood Block Mid Tempo 78
71 Natural Rhythm 15s Feel The Rhythm SYNC 0413 Percussion,Synth,Wood Block Mid Tempo 78
87 Natural Rhythm (sting) Feel The Rhythm SYNC 0413 Percussion,Synth,Wood Block Mid Tempo 78
12 Kinetic Theory Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Percussion,Synth,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 88
13 Space Connection Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 60
16 Scientific Proof Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Instrumental,Synth Fx Mid Tempo 120
45 Kinetic Theory Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Percussion,Synth,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 88
48 Scientific Proof Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Instrumental,Synth Fx Mid Tempo 120
60 Kinetic Theory 60s Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Percussion,Synth,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 88
61 Space Connection 60s Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 60
64 Scientific Proof 60s Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Instrumental,Synth Fx Mid Tempo 120
76 Kinetic Theory 30s Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Percussion,Synth,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 88
77 Space Connection 30s Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 60
80 Scientific Proof 30s Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Instrumental,Synth Fx Mid Tempo 120
92 Kinetic Theory (sting) Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Percussion,Synth,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 88
93 Space Connection (sting) Wonder & Discovery SYNC 0414 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 60