Melodii Compuse de VLADIMIR COSMA

174 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
9 Salut Au ler M.P.I. MOODS AND MARCHES STUDIO ORCHESTRA SMCLP 530 Orchestra,Instrumental,Trumpets,Fanfare Opening Mid Tempo 92
10 L'Escadron Joyeux MOODS AND MARCHES STUDIO ORCHESTRA SMCLP 530 Instrumental,Trumpets,Marching Band,Fanfare Opening Up Tempo 130
1 Keep Right Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,Brass,Trumpet,Large Band Mid Tempo 157
2 Keep Right Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,Brass,Trumpet,Large Band Mid Tempo 169
3 Fond De Teint Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Female Vocal,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 67
4 Fond De Teint Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Female Vocal,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 67
5 Fond De Teint Ver. 3 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Female Vocal,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 65
6 Western House Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
7 Western House Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental Mid Tempo 115
8 Western House Ver. 3 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental Mid Tempo 112
9 Spring Voices Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Female Vocal,Vocals,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 94
10 Spring Voices Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Female Vocal,Vocals,Unworded Vocals Mid Tempo 93
11 Valse Du Baron Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,Small Group Mid Tempo 64
12 Valse Du Baron Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,Small Group Mid Tempo 68
13 Blue Jean Soleil Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Flute,Instrumental Mid Tempo 82
14 Blue Jean Soleil Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Flute,Instrumental Mid Tempo 82
15 Piano Romance Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 85
16 Piano Romance Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 91
17 Mini Sun Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental Mid Tempo 91
18 Mini Sun Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental Mid Tempo 89
19 Velocipedique Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,Xylophone,Trumpet Mid Tempo 88
20 Velocipedique Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,Xylophone,Trumpet Mid Tempo 91
21 Pour Meilleur Et Le Pieree Ver. 1 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,12 String Acoustic Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 74
22 Pour Meilleur Et Le Pieree Ver. 2 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,12 String Acoustic Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 73
23 Pour Meilleur Et Le Pieree Ver. 3 COMMERCIAL SOUNDS SMCLP 541 Instrumental,12 String Acoustic Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 73