Melodii Compuse de SEBASTIAN PARCHE

967 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
13-F More Than a Game (30) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Pad slow-medium 100
19-A Questionable Gameplay CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Synth Bass,Electronic Percussion slow-medium 118
19-B Questionable Gameplay (Reduced) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Synth Bass,Electronic Percussion slow-medium 118
19-C Questionable Gameplay (Reduced 2) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Synth Bass,Electronic Percussion slow-medium 118
19-D Questionable Gameplay (Reduced 3) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Synth Bass,Electronic Percussion slow-medium 118
19-E Questionable Gameplay (15) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Synth Bass,Electronic Percussion slow-medium 118
19-F Questionable Gameplay (30) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Synthesizer,Synth Bass,Electronic Percussion slow-medium 118
23-A Candidate of Hearts CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-B Candidate of Hearts (Reduced) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-C Candidate of Hearts (Reduced 2) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-D Candidate of Hearts (Reduced 3) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-E Candidate of Hearts (Reduced 4) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-F Candidate of Hearts (Reduced 5) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-G Candidate of Hearts (15) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
23-H Candidate of Hearts (30) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 Heartbeat,Choir,Pad,Piano,Percussion slow-medium 105
28-A Contest Hope CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
28-B Contest Hope (Reduced) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
28-C Contest Hope (Reduced 2) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
28-D Contest Hope (Reduced 3) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
28-E Contest Hope (Reduced 4) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
28-F Contest Hope (15) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
28-G Contest Hope (30) CASTING CONTEST MSC132 String Orchestra,Choir,Percussion,Piano,Cello,Pad medium-fast 140
27-A Funk Fun FUNKY BUSTLE MSC136 Electric Guitar,Electric Bass,Drums,Synthesizer,Brass,Sound Effects,Electric Piano slow-medium 104
27-B Funk Fun (Reduced) FUNKY BUSTLE MSC136 Electric Guitar,Electric Bass,Drums,Synthesizer,Brass,Sound Effects,Electric Piano slow-medium 104
27-C Funk Fun (Reduced 2) FUNKY BUSTLE MSC136 Electric Guitar,Electric Bass,Drums,Synthesizer,Brass,Sound Effects,Electric Piano slow-medium 104