Melodii Compuse de SCOTT EMERSON

90 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
37 Back To Jackson SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Beats,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Mid Tempo 90
38 Drive On Out SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Vocals,Electric Guitar,Male Vocal,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Slow 85
39 Drive On Out SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Slow 85
61 Back To Jackson - 60 Second Version SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Beats,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Mid Tempo 90
62 Drive On Out - 60 Second Version SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Slow 85
83 Back To Jackson - 30 Second Version SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Beats,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Mid Tempo 90
84 Drive On Out - 30 Second Version SWAMP AND BLUES ROCK DWCD 0602 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Small Group,Rock Band,Guitar Slow 85
5 I'll Never Be The Same THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Female Vocal,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Jazz Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 134
6 I'll Never Be The Same THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Jazz Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 134
15 Cool In Here THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal,Small Group,Guitar Mid Tempo 92
16 Cool In Here THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Piano,Strings,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Violin,Guitar Mid Tempo 92
23 Reach For A New Day THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Vocals,Electric Guitar,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 88
24 Reach For A New Day THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 88
25 The Limit And Beyond THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Synth,Drums,Small Group,Guitar Mid Tempo 144
28 I'll Never Be The Same - 60 Second Verson THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Jazz Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 134
33 Cool In Here - 60 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Piano,Strings,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Violin,Guitar Mid Tempo 92
37 Reach For A New Day - 60 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 88
38 The Limit And Beyond - 60 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Synth,Drums,Small Group,Guitar Mid Tempo 144
41 I'll Never Be The Same - 30 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Jazz Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 134
46 Cool In Here - 30 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Piano,Strings,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Violin,Guitar Mid Tempo 92
50 Reach For A New Day - 30 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 88
51 The Limit And Beyond - 30 Second Version THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Synth,Drums,Small Group,Guitar Mid Tempo 144
54 I'll Never Be The Same - Sting THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Jazz Guitar,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 134
59 Cool In Here - Sting THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Piano,Strings,Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Violin,Guitar Mid Tempo 92
63 Reach For A New Day - Sting THE POP PLAYLIST 2 DWCD 0603 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums,Small Group,Guitar,Acoustic Mid Tempo 88