1299 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation
21 Death By Love - Variation 1 Mythology Spot-13 Symphony Orchestra
22 Death By Love - Variation 2 Mythology Spot-13 Saxophone
23 Death By Love - Variation 3 Mythology Spot-13 Studio Session
24 Death By Love - Variation 4 Mythology Spot-13 Jazz Combo
25 Apocalypse - Variation 1 Mythology Spot-13 Symphony Orchestra
26 Apocalypse - Variation 2 Mythology Spot-13 Saxophone
27 Apocalypse - Variation 3 Mythology Spot-13 Jazz Combo
28 Apocalypse - Variation 4 Mythology Spot-13 Saxophone Ensemble
1 Erotica Romana The Reversal Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
2 Erotica Romana The Ride Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
3 Erotica Romana The Intimate Kiss Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
4 Erotica Romana The Selection Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
5 Erotica Romana Eye Contact Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
6 Erotica Romana The Shackling Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
7 Erotica Romana Gentle Twists Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
8 Erotica Romana The Breaking-Off Erotica Romana 1770-2 Studio Session
4 Hoar Frost Bad Mood Cos-10 Studio Session
6 Disappointment Bad Mood Cos-10 Studio Session
12 Desperation Bad Mood Cos-10 Symphony Orchestra
18 Stone Deserts Bad Mood Cos-10 Orchestra & Wailing Guitar
22 Arterial Roads Bad Mood Cos-10 Orchestra
26 Boredom Bad Mood Cos-10 Orchestra
28 Depression Bad Mood Cos-10 Orchestra
29 Premonitions Bad Mood Cos-10 Piano & Orchestra
28 Masquerade Good Mood Cos-11 Orchestra