1714 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
91 Christmas Memories PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Celeste, Cymbals, Glockenspiel, Piano, Sleigh Bells Slow 102
92 Christmas Memories PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Celeste, Cymbals, Glockenspiel, Piano, Sleigh Bells Slow 102
93 Christmas Memories PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Acoustic Guitar, Bass Guitar, Celeste, Cymbals, Glockenspiel, Piano, Sleigh Bells Slow 102
94 Christmas Bedtime PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Brass, Choir, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sleigh Bells, Strings, Tubular Bells Slow 82
95 Christmas Bedtime PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Brass, Choir, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sleigh Bells, Strings, Tubular Bells Slow 82
96 Christmas Bedtime PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Brass, Choir, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sleigh Bells, Strings, Tubular Bells Slow 82
97 Christmas Bedtime PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Brass, Choir, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sleigh Bells, Strings, Tubular Bells Slow 82
98 Christmas Bedtime PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Brass, Choir, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Strings, Tubular Bells Slow 82
99 Christmas Bedtime PMOL 195 Perfect Christmas PMOL 195 Brass, Choir, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Strings, Tubular Bells Slow 82
8 Cute Newborns 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Marimba, Orchestra, Woodwind, Xylophone Medium 95
23 It Begins 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Bass, Brass, Clock, Drums, Electronica, Orchestra, Percussion, Piano, Sound Design, Sound Effects, Strings Varied 90
24 Extreme Prejudice 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Bass, Brass, Drums, Electronica, Orchestra, Percussion, Sound Design, Sound Effects, Strings, Synth Fast 160
39 Life Is Beautiful 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Piano Medium 121
47 Autumn Rain 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Flute, Piano, Strings Slow 65
79 Dice With The Devil 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Bass, Big Band, Brass, Drums Fast 104
80 Forever And Always 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Harp, Orchestra, Piano, Trumpet, Violin Fast 113
82 Launch Into Christmas 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Boys Choir, Brass, Celeste, Glockenspiel, Harp, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sleigh Bells, Strings, Tubular Bells, Woodwind Fast 120
84 Christmas Like It Used To Be 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Bells, Chimes, Choir, Glockenspiel, Orchestra, Sleigh Bells, Trumpet Fast 132
86 Joy To Christmas 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Brass, Celeste, Glockenspiel, Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sleigh Bells, Strings, Tubular Bells, Woodwind Fast 112
88 Ascension 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Choir, Orchestra, Piano, Strings, Trebles, Tubular Bells Slow 0
90 Chased By Evil 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Ghostly Voices, Orchestral Percussion, Sound Design, Strings Very Fast 130
91 Among The Peaks 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Drums, Orchestra, Strings Medium 99
93 Giants Of The Deep 100 Greatest Promos 2 PMOL 200 Orchestra, Strings, Synth Medium 130
1 Thank You Hope In Hard Times PMOL 208 Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synth, Voices Fast 120
2 Thank You Hope In Hard Times PMOL 208 Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synth, Voices Fast 120