1714 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
19 Ghost In The Nursery Haunted TV PMOL 181 Bells, Cello, Sound Design, Strings Slow 87
20 Ghost In The Nursery Haunted TV PMOL 181 Bells, Sound Design, Strings Slow 87
21 Ghost Train Haunted TV PMOL 181 Orchestra, Percussion, Piano, Sound Design, Strings Very Fast 160
22 Ghost Train Haunted TV PMOL 181 Orchestra, Sound Design, Strings Very Fast 160
23 Come Follow Me Haunted TV PMOL 181 Bells, Harp, Sitar, Sound Design, Strings, Voices Slow 84
24 Come Follow Me Haunted TV PMOL 181 Sound Design, Strings Slow 84
25 Losing My Mind Haunted TV PMOL 181 Female Voice, Percussion, Piano, Plucked Strings, Sound Design, Voices Fast 120
26 Losing My Mind Haunted TV PMOL 181 Female Voice, Percussion, Plucked Strings, Sound Design Fast 120
27 Tales From The Deep Haunted TV PMOL 181 Cellos, Drum, Female Voice, Sound Design, Strings Fast 130
28 Tales From The Deep Haunted TV PMOL 181 Cellos, Drum, Female Voice, Sound Design, Strings Fast 130
29 Spooked Haunted TV PMOL 181 Ghostly Voices, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Sound Design, Strings, Violin, Voices Medium 109
30 Spooked Haunted TV PMOL 181 Percussion, Sound Design, Strings Medium 109
31 Ghost Ships Haunted TV PMOL 181 Orchestral Percussion, Piano, Sound Design, Synth, Xylophone Medium 120
32 Ghost Ships Haunted TV PMOL 181 Orchestral Percussion, Sound Design, Synth Medium 120
33 Watery Grave Haunted TV PMOL 181 Piano, Sound Design, Strings Slow 100
34 Watery Grave Haunted TV PMOL 181 Sound Design, Strings Slow 100
35 Strange Sightings Haunted TV PMOL 181 Harp, Percussion, Sound Design, Strings, Synth Fast 130
36 Strange Sightings Haunted TV PMOL 181 Harp, Percussion, Sound Design, Strings, Synth Fast 130
37 Ghosts In A Spin Haunted TV PMOL 181 Bells, Harp, Orchestra, Percussion, Piano, Sound Design, Synth Fast 122
38 Ghosts In A Spin Haunted TV PMOL 181 Bells, Harp, Orchestra, Percussion, Piano, Sound Design, Synth Fast 122
39 Pursuing The Case Haunted TV PMOL 181 Beats, Piano, Sound Design, Strings Fast 120
40 Pursuing The Case Haunted TV PMOL 181 Sound Design Fast 120
41 Pursued By Shadows Haunted TV PMOL 181 Beats, Sound Design, Strings, Synth Medium 100
42 Pursued By Shadows Haunted TV PMOL 181 Sound Design, Strings, Synth Medium 100
43 Out Of The Shadows Haunted TV PMOL 181 Ghostly Voices, Sound Design, Strings Slow 0