Melodii Compuse de RICHARD HEACOCK

201 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
46 Ancient Discovery Ambient Strange SFT0176 drone, bansuri down tempo 60
47 Ancient Discovery Ambient Strange SFT0176 bansuri down tempo 60
48 Feral Approach Ambient Strange SFT0176 woodwinds, effects, thunder, percussive effects, synthesizers down tempo 60
49 Alien Lullaby Ambient Strange SFT0176 drone, voices down tempo 62
51 Midday Sun Ambient Strange SFT0176 strings, tuned percussion, effects down tempo 62
52 Nosferatu Returns Ambient Strange SFT0176 piano, strings, effects down tempo 79
53 So Bizarre Ambient Strange SFT0176 crwth, drone, percussion down tempo 63
54 Death Valley Ambient Strange SFT0176 shaman flute, percussion, drone down tempo 64
5 Just Hoping Tragedy SFT0189 piano, strings down tempo 60
6 Just Hoping Tragedy SFT0189 piano, strings, guitar down tempo 60
17 Never Forget Tragedy SFT0189 strings down tempo 51
22 Missing at Sea Tragedy SFT0189 piano, strings down tempo 96
25 Not All Obvious Tragedy SFT0189 electric piano, synth pads down tempo 68
27 Bleak Future Tragedy SFT0189 strings, woodwinds, effects down tempo 64
28 I Cannot Understand Tragedy SFT0189 piano, strings, synthesizers down tempo 66
3 Alone and Afraid Middle East 2 SFT0191 reed aerophone down tempo 69
8 Circle the Sky Middle East 2 SFT0191 flute, percussion, strings medium tempo 120
16 Shamal Middle East 2 SFT0191 dvoyanka, drone, percussion medium tempo 124
24 Alone and Afraid Middle East 2 SFT0191 reed aerophone down tempo 69
29 Circle the Sky Middle East 2 SFT0191 flute, percussion, strings medium tempo 120
37 Shamal Middle East 2 SFT0191 dvoyanka, drone medium tempo 124
45 Alone and Afraid Middle East 2 SFT0191 reed aerophone down tempo 69
50 Circle the Sky Middle East 2 SFT0191 flute, strings medium tempo 120
58 Shamal Middle East 2 SFT0191 dvoyanka, drone medium tempo 124
1 In The Aquarium Gentle Harp Cute247 harp medium 95