Melodii Compuse de RAINER QUADE

513 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
17 Spring Dream SPRING MOODS MSC91 Piano,Synthesizer,Pad,Electronic Percussion,Bass,Mallets slow 76
26 Exhilaration of Wilderness SPRING MOODS MSC91 Marimba,Synthesizer,Plucked Strings (Pizzicato),Mallets,Dulcimer,Bells fast 170
4 Under Bad Influence DARK CONNECTIONS MSC92 Synthesizer,Electric Piano,Electronic Drums,Bass medium 112
10 Illegal Transmission DARK CONNECTIONS MSC92 Electronic Drums,Synthesizer,Electric Piano,Sound Effects medium 116
19 Gang Code DARK CONNECTIONS MSC92 Synthesizer,Piano,Electronic Drums,Pad slow 80
2 Business as Usual ECONOMIC FACTS MSC93 Synthesizer,Bass,Electronic Percussion fast 112
18 Profit Hunter ECONOMIC FACTS MSC93 Bass,Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Pad medium 126
25 Money Never Sleeps ECONOMIC FACTS MSC93 Bass Pulsation,Electronic Drums,Synthesizer,Pad medium 126
10 Financial Network TAX EVASION MSC95 Bass,Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Pad medium 116
25 Criminal Tax Avoidance TAX EVASION MSC95 Synthesizer,Pad,Electronic Percussion slow 88
3 Entertaining Explanation EXPLAIN IT PLAYFULLY MSC98 Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Bass,Pad medium 112
9 Colorful Explanation EXPLAIN IT PLAYFULLY MSC98 Synthesizer,Kalimba,Electronic Drums,Percussion,Bass,Pad slow-medium 100
12 Amazing Little Things EXPLAIN IT PLAYFULLY MSC98 Bells,Synthesizer,Xylophone,Electronic Drums,Bass,Pad slow-medium 100
16 Description Matters EXPLAIN IT PLAYFULLY MSC98 Marimba,Percussion,Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Plucked Strings slow-medium 92
4 Science of Tomorrow SCIENCE SOCIETY MSC99 Synthesizer,Pad,Electronic Drums slow-medium 100
9 Constant Scientific Research SCIENCE SOCIETY MSC99 Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Pad,Sound Effects,Water Piano slow-medium 88
11 Proceed Cautiously SCIENCE SOCIETY MSC99 Synthesizer,Pad,Sound Effects,Electric Piano,Electronic Percussion medium 112
4 Strong Statement ATTENTION MSC100 Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Vocal Effects,Pad,Sound Effects slow-medium 100
13 Clean Nature GREEN ENERGY MSC102 Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Pad medium 108
16 Green Solution GREEN ENERGY MSC102 Synthesizer,Pad slow-medium 104
19 Urgent Change GREEN ENERGY MSC102 Synthesizer,Pad,Electronic Percussion medium 116
5 Lost Codex DEGLOBALIZATION MSC104 Synthesizer,Pad,Bass,Electronic Percussion medium 120
11 Digital Language DEGLOBALIZATION MSC104 Synthesizer,Bass,Sound Effects,Pad,Electronic Drums medium 110
8 Innovative Saints CHANGING INDUSTRY MSC106 Synthesizer,Piano,Electronic Drums medium 112
14 Time Will Prove CHANGING INDUSTRY MSC106 Synthesizer,Electronic Drums,Marimba,Pad medium 116