321 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
15 Kicking Leaves JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 92
16 Prairie Dogs JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitar Medium Slow 70
17 Prairie Dogs JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars, Slide Guitar Medium Slow 70
18 Prairie Dogs JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars, Slide Guitar Medium Slow 70
19 Prairie Dogs JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars, Slide Guitar Medium Slow 70
20 Prairie Dogs JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars, Slide Guitar Medium Slow 70
21 Angel Of The North JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitar Medium 140
22 Angel Of The North JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 140
23 Angel Of The North JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 140
24 Angel Of The North JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 140
25 Angel Of The North JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 140
26 Dawn Breaks JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitar Medium 120
27 Dawn Breaks JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 120
28 Dawn Breaks JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 120
29 Dawn Breaks JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 120
30 Dawn Breaks JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 120
31 Plucking Time JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitar Slow 120
32 Plucking Time JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Slow 120
33 Plucking Time JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Slow 120
34 Plucking Time JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Slow 120
35 Plucking Time JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Slow 120
36 First Steps JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitar Medium 90
37 First Steps JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 90
38 First Steps JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 90
39 First Steps JUST TWO ACOUSTIC GUITARS SCORE263 Acoustic Guitars Medium 90