Melodii Compuse de NIC PATON

224 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
59 Sum of One Dramatic Themes SFT0187 piano, bass, percussion, santur, strings, acoustic guitar Up tempo 136
60 Sum of One Dramatic Themes SFT0187 piano, bass, santur, strings, acoustic guitar Up tempo 136
1 Tuesdays Child Lyrical Themes SFT0196 violin, music box, strings, Irish bouzouki, piano, bass Down tempo 75
2 Tuesdays Child Lyrical Themes SFT0196 music box, Irish bouzouki, piano Down tempo 75
3 A New Life Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, cello, female voice, strings, piano Medium tempo 131
4 A New Life Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, female voice, piano Medium tempo 131
5 Footprints of the Dancer Lyrical Themes SFT0196 soprano sax, female voice, ukulele, electric piano, strings, piano Medium tempo 70
6 Seasons in My Head Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, strings, piano, soprano sax, bass, percussion, woodwinds Down tempo 70
7 Seasons in My Head Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, strings, piano, bass, percussion Down tempo 70
8 Times Like These Lyrical Themes SFT0196 Irish flute, acoustic guitar, piano, bass Medium tempo 135
9 Times Like These Lyrical Themes SFT0196 Irish flute, acoustic guitar, piano, bass Medium tempo 135
10 This Dawn This Day Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, electric piano, strings, voice, bass Down tempo 70
11 This Dawn This Day Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, electric piano, bass Down tempo 70
12 Fractured Light Lyrical Themes SFT0196 piano, strings, electric piano, electronic percussion, woodwinds, bass, guitars Medium tempo 84
13 Fractured Light Lyrical Themes SFT0196 piano, strings, electric piano, woodwinds, bass, guitars Medium tempo 84
14 Fading From Memory Lyrical Themes SFT0196 Irish flute, charango, electric guitar, piano, drums, violin, cello, bass Medium tempo 98
15 Fading From Memory Lyrical Themes SFT0196 Irish flute, charango, electric guitar, piano, violin, cello, bass Medium tempo 98
16 Snow Drift Lyrical Themes SFT0196 Irish flute, strings, piano, drums, Irish bouzouki, acoustic guitar Medium tempo 100
17 Snow Drift Lyrical Themes SFT0196 Irish flute, strings, pianos, Irish bouzouki, acoustic guitar Medium tempo 100
18 Snow Drift Lyrical Themes SFT0196 strings, Irish bouzouki Medium tempo 100
19 Tuesdays Child Lyrical Themes SFT0196 music box, Irish bouzouki, piano, bass Down tempo 75
20 Tuesdays Child Lyrical Themes SFT0196 music box, piano Down tempo 75
21 A New Life Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, cello, female voice, strings, piano Medium tempo 131
22 A New Life Lyrical Themes SFT0196 acoustic guitar, cello, female voice, strings, piano Medium tempo 131
23 Footprints of the Dancer Lyrical Themes SFT0196 soprano sax, strings, piano Medium tempo 70