Melodii Compuse de MICHAEL HYMAN

40 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
10 Footprints Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 62
22 Footprints 60s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 62
34 Footprints 30s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 62
46 Footprints 15s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 62
58 Footprints (sting) Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 62
9 Silent Witness Horror and Suspense SYNC 0036 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Clarinet,Woodwind Mid Tempo 60
21 Silent Witness 60s Horror and Suspense SYNC 0036 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Clarinet,Woodwind Mid Tempo 60
33 Silent Witness 30s Horror and Suspense SYNC 0036 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Clarinet,Woodwind Mid Tempo 60
45 Silent Witness 15s Horror and Suspense SYNC 0036 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Clarinet,Woodwind Mid Tempo 60
57 Silent Witness (sting) Horror and Suspense SYNC 0036 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Clarinet,Woodwind Mid Tempo 60
8 Eventide Mellow, Smooth and Laid-back SYNC 0049 Piano,Percussion,Vocals,Synth,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 75
22 Eventide 60s Mellow, Smooth and Laid-back SYNC 0049 Piano,Percussion,Vocals,Synth,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 75
34 Eventide 30s Mellow, Smooth and Laid-back SYNC 0049 Piano,Percussion,Vocals,Synth,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 75
46 Eventide 15s Mellow, Smooth and Laid-back SYNC 0049 Piano,Percussion,Vocals,Synth,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 75
58 Eventide (sting) Mellow, Smooth and Laid-back SYNC 0049 Piano,Percussion,Vocals,Synth,Bass Guitar,Drums,Male Vocal Mid Tempo 75
12 Vengeance War and Conflict SYNC 0086 Orchestra,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Woodwind Up Tempo 132
24 Vengeance 60s War and Conflict SYNC 0086 Orchestra,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Woodwind Up Tempo 132
36 Vengeance 30s War and Conflict SYNC 0086 Orchestra,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Woodwind Up Tempo 132
48 Vengeance 15s War and Conflict SYNC 0086 Orchestra,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Woodwind Up Tempo 132
60 Vengeance (sting) War and Conflict SYNC 0086 Orchestra,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Woodwind Up Tempo 132
5 Brace Yourself Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 131
13 Electro Shuffle Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 122
22 Brace Yourself 60s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 131
32 Electro Shuffle 60s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 122
37 Brace Yourself 30s Synth City and Electro Town SYNC 0105 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth Up Tempo 131