Melodii Compuse de JOSHUA GEFFIN

34 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
10 Red Leaves Heart-Warming SYNC 0344 Acoustic Guitar,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 122
30 Red Leaves 60s Heart-Warming SYNC 0344 Acoustic Guitar,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 122
49 Red Leaves 30s Heart-Warming SYNC 0344 Acoustic Guitar,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 122
68 Red Leaves 15s Heart-Warming SYNC 0344 Acoustic Guitar,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 122
87 Red Leaves (sting) Heart-Warming SYNC 0344 Acoustic Guitar,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 122
8 The Road Outdoor Adventures SYNC 0392 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Ukulele,Guitar Slow 68
45 The Road 60s Outdoor Adventures SYNC 0392 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Ukulele,Guitar Slow 68
63 The Road 30s Outdoor Adventures SYNC 0392 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Ukulele,Guitar Slow 68
81 The Road (sting) Outdoor Adventures SYNC 0392 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Ukulele,Guitar Slow 68