Melodii Compuse de JOEL NEGUS

598 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
27 Blast 140Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Strings Mid Tempo 140
28 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Synth Mid Tempo 182
29 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Synth Mid Tempo 182
30 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Strings Mid Tempo 182
31 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Synth Mid Tempo 182
32 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Synth Mid Tempo 182
33 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Theremin Mid Tempo 182
34 Ascent 182Bpm Gb Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Theremin Mid Tempo 182
35 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Kick Mid Tempo 104
36 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Bass Mid Tempo 104
37 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Synth Mid Tempo 104
38 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Synth Mid Tempo 104
39 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Strings Mid Tempo 104
40 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Strings Mid Tempo 104
41 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Hihat Mid Tempo 104
42 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Hihat Mid Tempo 104
43 Pent Up Freedom 104Bpm Gm Phase One (Modular Synths and Live Strings) STYE981 Snare Mid Tempo 104
1 Comfort 136Bpm F Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano , Cello , Violin , Viola Mid Tempo 136
2 Play 144Bpm C Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano , Cello , Violin , Viola Mid Tempo 144
3 Dread 52Bpm C#m Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano , Cello , Violin , Viola Mid Tempo 52
4 Rage 168Bpm Gm Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano , Cello , Violin , Viola , Synth Mid Tempo 168
5 Resolve 126Bpm Bb Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano , Cello , Violin , Viola Mid Tempo 126
6 Comfort 136Bpm F Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano Mid Tempo 136
7 Comfort 136Bpm F Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Strings Mid Tempo 136
8 Play 144Bpm C Resolve (Live Recorded Quartet Compositions) STYE986 Piano Mid Tempo 144