Melodii Compuse de JEFF WOODALL

2372 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
55 Springtime Melody Medical SFT0163 piano, strings, woodwinds, choir Medium tempo 130
59 Turning Away Medical SFT0163 synthesizers, female voices Medium tempo 85
60 Brighter than the Sun Medical SFT0163 piano, percussion, drums, bass, guitars, pizzicato strings, strings Up tempo 125
63 Faith in the System Medical SFT0163 piano, percussion, strings, shakers, guitars Medium tempo 120
2 In the Woods Tense Fantasy SFT0164 strings, bells, tuned percussion, synthesizers down tempo 74
3 Web of Deceit Tense Fantasy SFT0164 drone, orchestral percussion, strings, synthesizers, organ down tempo 75
5 Dark Garden Tense Fantasy SFT0164 strings, percussion, effects, piano, guitars down tempo 84
6 Faith and Knowledge Tense Fantasy SFT0164 organ, synthesizers, strings, drums, percussion, bells, tuned percussion, bass medium tempo 104
10 Immune Tense Fantasy SFT0164 string pads, vocal effects, electronic drums, electronic piano, guitars, synthesizers, tuned percussion medium tempo 90
11 Rendezvous with Light Tense Fantasy SFT0164 piano, strings, voices, electronic synthesizers, pads medium tempo 74
13 Contagion Tense Fantasy SFT0164 synthesizers, effects, percussion medium tempo 104
15 Neverwhere Tense Fantasy SFT0164 strings, electronic drum loops, guitars, synthesizers, effects medium tempo 85
16 Glitch in the System Tense Fantasy SFT0164 drone, bowls, pads, percussion, bells, effects, synth bass, strings down tempo 74
17 Hidden Agenda Tense Fantasy SFT0164 percussion, bells, strings, pads, bowls, effects, guitar medium tempo 110
20 Purgatory Tense Fantasy SFT0164 orchestral percussion, strings, synthesizers, taiko drum, electronic percussion down tempo 75
23 In the Woods Tense Fantasy SFT0164 strings, bells, tuned percussion, synthesizers down tempo 74
24 Web of Deceit Tense Fantasy SFT0164 drone, orchestral percussion, strings, synthesizers, organ down tempo 75
26 Dark Garden Tense Fantasy SFT0164 strings, percussion, effects, piano, guitars down tempo 84
27 Faith and Knowledge Tense Fantasy SFT0164 organ, synthesizers, strings, drums, percussion, bells, tuned percussion, bass medium tempo 104
31 Immune Tense Fantasy SFT0164 string pads, vocal effects, electronic drums, electronic piano, guitars, synthesizers, tuned percussion medium tempo 90
32 Rendezvous with Light Tense Fantasy SFT0164 piano, strings, voices, electronic synthesizers, pads medium tempo 74
34 Contagion Tense Fantasy SFT0164 synthesizers, effects, percussion medium tempo 104
36 Neverwhere Tense Fantasy SFT0164 strings, electronic drum loops, guitars, synthesizers, effects medium tempo 85
37 Glitch in the System Tense Fantasy SFT0164 drone, bowls, pads, percussion, bells, effects, synth bass, strings down tempo 74
38 Hidden Agenda Tense Fantasy SFT0164 percussion, bells, strings, pads, bowls, effects, guitar medium tempo 110