Melodii Compuse de IVAN BERTOLLA

2197 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
101 Lost Souls Dark Tension PMOL 268 Piano Slow 70
102 Lost Souls Dark Tension PMOL 268 Piano Slow 70
103 Lost Souls Dark Tension PMOL 268 Percussion Slow 70
104 Lost Souls Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Strings Slow 70
105 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Cellos, Drums, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synth Fast 120
106 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Cellos, Drums, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synth Fast 120
107 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Cellos, Drums, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synth Fast 120
108 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Cellos, Drums, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synth Fast 120
109 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Cello, Piano, Synth Fast 120
110 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Strings Fast 120
111 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Braams, Percussion Fast 120
112 Reporting The Facts Dark Tension PMOL 268 Brass, Harp, Hits, Strings Fast 120
1 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
2 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
3 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
4 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
5 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
6 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
7 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
8 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass, Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion, Piano, Strings, Synths, Ticking Clock Fast 120
9 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Basses, Piano, Strings Fast 120
10 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Fx, Orchestra Hits, Percussion Fast 120
11 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Synths Fast 120
12 True Or False Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Ticking Clock Fast 120
40 Action Countdown Gameshow Countdown PMOL 266 Bass Synth, Choir, Drums, Fx, Orchestral Hits, Percussion, Strings, Synths Very Fast 150