Melodii Compuse de GEORGE DOLAN

27 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
15 Dark Disturbances Scandi Noir ABS291CD Piano, Synth, Strings, Cello Slow tempo 93
14 True Tension Scandi Noir ABS291CD Strings, Percussion, Electronic Percussion, Bass Mid tempo 116
12 Anxious Investigation Scandi Noir ABS291CD Bass, Strings, Synth, Percussion, Electronic Percussion Fast tempo 125
13 Dark Waters Scandi Noir ABS291CD Strings, Cello, Violin, Viola, Double Bass Slow tempo 109
11 Disturbing Details Scandi Noir ABS291CD Strings, Brass, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Bass Mid tempo 105
10 Mystery Solved Scandi Noir ABS291CD Strings, Cello, Violin, Viola, Double Bass Slow tempo 114
9 Dramatic Events Scandi Noir ABS291CD Bass, Percussion, Electronic Percussion, Strings, Violin Mid tempo 141
7 Dark Tension Scandi Noir ABS291CD Bass, Percussion, Electronic Percussion, Synth, Synthersiser, Drone Fast tempo 122
6 Ominous Criminal Scandi Noir ABS291CD Strings, Percussion, Bass, Drone Slow tempo 126
5 Strong Chase Scandi Noir ABS291CD Strings, Synth, Bass, Percussion, Electronic Percussion Fast tempo 134
3 Action In The Mystery Scandi Noir ABS291CD Bass, Percussion, Electronic Percussion, Synth, Strings, Cello Fast tempo 125
2 Crime Alone Scandi Noir ABS291CD Piano, Strings, Percussion, Synth, Drone Slow tempo 132
1 Sinister Motives Scandi Noir ABS291CD Bass, Percussion, Electronic Percussion, Synth, Synthersiser Mid tempo 116
12 Memento of a Cradle Song Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Wooden Flute, Flute, Percussion, Woodwind Slow tempo 114
11 Sacrificial Stone, Bronze and Iron Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Brass, Horns, Percussion, Drums Slow tempo 85
10 Making You Smile Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Marimba Mid tempo 156
9 Mammoth Chase Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Wooden Flute, Flute, Vocalisations, Drums, Horns, Fast tempo 121
7 New Arrival Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Xylophone, Synth, Piano Mid tempo 107
8 Play and Paint Caves Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Marimba, Guitar, Cello, Percussion Mid tempo 135
6 Undiscovered Valleys and Plains Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Celesta, Woodwind, Strings, Horn, Drums, Trumpet Mid tempo 113
5 Honey, Bees and Trees Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Xylophone, Woodwind, Guiro, Brass, Upright Bass, Shaker, Fast tempo 137
4 Pagan Spirits Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Wooden Flute, Flute, Vocalisations Mid tempo 118
3 Prehistoric Discovery Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Piano, Cello Fast tempo 147
2 Hunt and Hide Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Drums, Agogo, Shaker, Guiro Slow tempo 103
1 Pyre Ritual Prehistoric Life ABS272CD Wooden flute, Flute, Strings, Bassoon, Drums Slow tempo 103