Melodii Compuse de GARRY BECKER

95 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
7 Corporate Takedown Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Piano, Synth Pads, Synth FX Fast tempo 138
6 A Storm Is Coming Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Industrial Drums, Synth FX Mid tempo 85
4 Royal Saga Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Orchestral Brass Mid tempo 136
3 News Reporter Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Synth Arpeggios, Synth FX, EDM Drums Fast tempo 138
2 The Breach Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Orchestral Brass, Synth Arpeggios, Synth FX, EDM Drums Slow tempo 133
1 Drumatic Entrance Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Synth Arpeggios, Synth FX, Bramms Fast tempo 137
5 Drumatic State Drumatica ABS283CD Orchestral Drums, Orchestral Strings, Synth Pads, Synth FX, Bramms Mid tempo 135
17 The Rhythm Of Life Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, African Percussions, Orchestral Strings, Synth Pads, Synth Fx,   Mid tempo 124
16 Vuvu Step Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Samba Percussion, Vuvuzela, Dubstep Beat, Crowd Fx, Synth Fx,  Fast tempo 148
15 Ambush On Lotus Hill Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Asian Percussions, Flutes, Synth Pads, Vocals Shouts.  Fast tempo 155
14 Fist Full Of Taikos Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Taiko Percussions, Japanese Percussions, Vocal shouts, Fast tempo 148
13 Transcendental Society Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Tribal Percussions, EDM Beat, Synth Pads, Synth Fx,  Fast tempo 137
12 Apocalypso Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussions, South American Percussions,  Synth Pads, Flutes, Ambient Fx Fast tempo 140  
11 Ethnic Report Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, African Percussions, EDM Bass Drum, Flutes, Synth Pads, Synth FX,  Mid tempo 114
10 Jerry Can Ride Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Eastern Percussions, Metal Jugs, Synth Pads, Synth Fx,  Mid tempo 125
9 Eastern Expedition Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Eastern Percussions, Orchestral Drums, Synth Pads, Synth Fx,  Slow tempo 98
8 Return Of The Kong Tempo Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Orchestral Percussions, Orchestral Strings, Synth Fx, Synth Pads, Mid tempo 181
7 Tribal Wedding Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Tribal Percussions, Vocals Chants,  Fast tempo 146
6 African Blood Line Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, African Percussions, Orchestral Strings, Vocals Chants, Synth Pads, Synth Fx,   Mid tempo 130
5 Sharp Mango Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Tribal Percussions, Vocals Chants,  Mid tempo 100
4 Under The Canopy Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, African Percussions, EDM Bass Drum, Synth FX,  Mid tempo 118
3 Once Upon East Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Eastern Percussions, Orchestral Drums, Eastern Plucked Instrument,      Synth Pads, Synth Fx,  Mid tempo 111
2 Silk Roots Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussion, Eastern Percussions, Orchestral Drums, Vocals Chants, Eastern Plucked Instrument,  Fast tempo 146
1 Amazonia Epic Ethnic World ABS339CD Ethnic Percussions, South American Percussions,  Synth Pads, Flutes, Ambient Fx Mid tempo 116
12 Caribbean Destination Holiday Vibes ABS338CD Marimba, Karimba, Steel Band, Mallet Instruments Drums, Percussions,  Mid tempo 108