Melodii Compuse de ERIK WOLLO

629 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
19 Sea Of Memories (underscore mix) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 120
20 Across The Valley 60s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Triangle Mid Tempo 120
22 Desert Horizon 60s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 80
24 Hypnotized 60s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Strings,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 66
25 Abstract 60s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Instrumental,Shaker Mid Tempo 120
28 Earthbound 60s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
30 Sea Of Memories 60s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 120
32 Across The Valley 30s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Triangle Mid Tempo 120
34 Desert Horizon 30s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 80
36 Hypnotized 30s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Strings,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 66
37 Abstract 30s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Instrumental,Shaker Mid Tempo 120
40 Earthbound 30s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
42 Sea Of Memories 30s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 120
44 Across The Valley 15s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Triangle Mid Tempo 120
46 Desert Horizon 15s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 80
48 Hypnotized 15s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Strings,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 66
49 Abstract 15s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Instrumental,Shaker Mid Tempo 120
52 Earthbound 15s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
54 Sea Of Memories 15s Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 120
56 Across The Valley (sting) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Triangle Mid Tempo 120
57 Desert Horizon (sting) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 80
59 Hypnotized (sting) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Strings,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 66
60 Abstract (sting) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Instrumental,Shaker Mid Tempo 120
62 Earthbound (sting) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Percussion,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
63 Sea Of Memories (sting) Ambient Atmospheres SYNC 0003 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 120