Melodii Compuse de DOTINC

35 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
7 Freedom Fight Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Mid Tempo 120
12 Momentous Times Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Strings,Instrumental,Pizzicato Mid Tempo 80
24 Freedom Fight 60s Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Mid Tempo 120
29 Momentous Times 60s Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Strings,Instrumental,Pizzicato Mid Tempo 80
37 Freedom Fight 30s Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Mid Tempo 120
42 Momentous Times 30s Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Strings,Instrumental,Pizzicato Mid Tempo 80
50 Freedom Fight 15s Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Mid Tempo 120
55 Momentous Times 15s Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Strings,Instrumental,Pizzicato Mid Tempo 80
65 Freedom Fight (sting) Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Mid Tempo 120
70 Momentous Times (sting) Magical Journey SYNC 0243 Strings,Instrumental,Pizzicato Mid Tempo 80
2 Siren's Call Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Instrumental Up Tempo 145
3 We Will Remember Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Strings,Female Vocal,Vocals,Brass,Brass Band,Choir,Tuned Percussion Slow 60
4 Heroes All Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Cello,Viola,Snare Drum Slow 57
5 Fallen Soldiers Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Slow 62
8 Armistice Age of War SYNC 0244 Instrumental,Brass Slow 60
15 Siren's Call 60s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Instrumental Up Tempo 145
16 We Will Remember 60s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Strings,Female Vocal,Vocals,Brass,Brass Band,Choir,Tuned Percussion Slow 60
17 Heroes All 60s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Cello,Viola,Snare Drum Slow 57
18 Fallen Soldiers 60s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Slow 62
21 Armistice 60s Age of War SYNC 0244 Instrumental,Brass Slow 60
27 Siren's Call 30s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Instrumental Up Tempo 145
28 We Will Remember 30s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Strings,Female Vocal,Vocals,Brass,Brass Band,Choir,Tuned Percussion Slow 60
29 Heroes All 30s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Cello,Viola,Snare Drum Slow 57
30 Fallen Soldiers 30s Age of War SYNC 0244 Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass Slow 62
33 Armistice 30s Age of War SYNC 0244 Instrumental,Brass Slow 60