Album: Magical Journey - SYNC 0243

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Secret AdventureGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
2Mysterious TimesAlan BakerMid Tempo132
3Polar DanceGoran BastinacUp Tempo125
4Search for TruthBenjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
5Ice QueenGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
6Home Of The BraveGoran BastinacMid Tempo90
7Freedom Fight DotincMid Tempo120
8The Stallion WilxMid Tempo90
9Hope Is A Good ThingGoran BastinacMid Tempo75
10Sanctus GloriaGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
11The HorizonAlan BakerMid Tempo122
12Momentous Times DotincMid Tempo80
13Secret Adventure (Without Castanets)Goran BastinacUp Tempo100
14Search for Truth (No Intro)Benjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
15Search for Truth (No Outro)Benjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
16Search for Truth (No Intro or Outro)Benjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
17Secret Adventure 60sGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
18Secret Adventure (Without Castanets) 60sGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
19Mysterious Times 60sAlan BakerMid Tempo132
20Polar Dance 60sGoran BastinacUp Tempo125
21Search for Truth 60sBenjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
22Ice Queen 60sGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
23Home Of The Brave 60sGoran BastinacMid Tempo90
24Freedom Fight 60s DotincMid Tempo120
25The Stallion 60s WilxMid Tempo90
26Hope Is A Good Thing 60sGoran BastinacMid Tempo75
27Sanctus Gloria 60sGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
28The Horizon 60sAlan BakerMid Tempo122
29Momentous Times 60s DotincMid Tempo80
30Secret Adventure 30sGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
31Secret Adventure (Without Castanets) 30sGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
32Mysterious Times 30sAlan BakerMid Tempo132
33Polar Dance 30sGoran BastinacUp Tempo125
34Search for Truth 30sBenjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
35Ice Queen 30sGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
36Home Of The Brave 30sGoran BastinacMid Tempo90
37Freedom Fight 30s DotincMid Tempo120
38The Stallion 30s WilxMid Tempo90
39Hope Is A Good Thing 30sGoran BastinacMid Tempo75
40Sanctus Gloria 30sGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
41The Horizon 30sAlan BakerMid Tempo122
42Momentous Times 30s DotincMid Tempo80
43Secret Adventure 15sGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
44Secret Adventure (Without Castanets) 15sGoran BastinacUp Tempo100
45Mysterious Times 15sAlan BakerMid Tempo132
46Polar Dance 15sGoran BastinacUp Tempo125
47Search for Truth 15sBenjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
48Ice Queen 15sGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
49Home Of The Brave 15sGoran BastinacMid Tempo90
50Freedom Fight 15s DotincMid Tempo120
51The Stallion 15s WilxMid Tempo90
52Hope Is A Good Thing 15sGoran BastinacMid Tempo75
53Sanctus Gloria 15sGoran BastinacUp Tempo68
54The Horizon 15sAlan BakerMid Tempo122
55Momentous Times 15s DotincMid Tempo80
56Secret Adventure (sting)Goran BastinacUp Tempo100
57Secret Adventure (Without Castanets) (sting)Goran BastinacUp Tempo100
58Mysterious Times (sting)Alan BakerMid Tempo132
59Polar Dance (sting)Goran BastinacUp Tempo125
60Search for Truth (sting)Benjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
61Search for Truth (sting 2)Benjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
62Search for Truth (sting 3)Benjamin RidgeUp Tempo75
63Ice Queen (sting)Goran BastinacUp Tempo68
64Home Of The Brave (sting)Goran BastinacMid Tempo90
65Freedom Fight (sting) DotincMid Tempo120
66The Stallion (sting) WilxMid Tempo90
67Hope Is A Good Thing (sting)Goran BastinacMid Tempo75
68Sanctus Gloria (sting)Goran BastinacUp Tempo68
69The Horizon (sting)Alan BakerMid Tempo122
70Momentous Times (sting) DotincMid Tempo80