Melodii Compuse de DAVID JENNINGS

50 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
8 Toddles and Woofs Tots And Toys ABS286CD Snare drum, whistle, whistling, tin whistle, claps, drums, piano, flute, ukele, violins, trumpet, bass guitar, bass, recorder, Mid tempo 105
7 Toy Soldier March Tots And Toys ABS286CD Snare drum, whistle, whistling, tin whistle, claps, drums, piano, flute, ukele, violins, trumpet, bass guitar, double bass, recorder, Mid tempo 115
6 Lullaby Tots And Toys ABS286CD Tambourine, piano, toy piano, percussion, strings, celeste, cello, bass, toy instruments, voices, ahs, choir, piccolo trumpet, acoustic guitar, brass, violins, vocals, organ, Mid tempo 140
5 Nah Nah Nah Tots And Toys ABS286CD Toy drums, toy piano, percussion, flute, clarinet, strings, violin, xylophone, celeste, toy instruments, piano, tanbour, cello, bass, pizzicato, brass, tuba, trombone, children's voices, Fast tempo 90
4 A Mother's Love Tots And Toys ABS286CD Piano, chimes, xylophone, double bass, plucks, acoustic guitar, Mid tempo 125
3 Much Mischief Tots And Toys ABS286CD Toy piano, recorder, claps, trumpet, percussion, accordian, melodica, strings, violins, xylophone, celeste, piano, drums, bass guitar, cello, toy instruments, acoustic guitar, music box, sticks, toms, Mid tempo 110
2 Sunny Days Tots And Toys ABS286CD Whistle, whistling, claps, drums, piano, flute, clarinet, woodwind, ukele, violins, strings, bass guitar, Mid tempo 100
1 Free Fun Tots And Toys ABS286CD Whistle, whistling, drums, chimes, percussion, ukelele, strings, violin, xylophone, piano, bass guitar, organ, claps, children's voices, guitar, acoustic guitar, synth bass, Mid tempo 110
17 Bounce Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, vocals, whistle Mid tempo 100
16 Skater Girl Skater Boy - Instrumental Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, guitar, Fast tempo 145
15 Skater Girl Skater Boy - Vocal Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, vocals, guitar, girl vocals, Fast tempo 145
14 Doo Doo Doo Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, piano, vocals, strings, clicks, girl vocals, violin, Mid tempo 115
13 Godzilla Meets Galaga Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, big drum, percussion, Mid tempo 140
12 I Love My Pony - Instrumental Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, piano, toy piano, guitar, Mid tempo 115
11 I Love My Pony - Vocal Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, piano, toy piano, vocals, girl vocals, guitar, Mid tempo 115
9 Teen Time Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, steel drums, whistle, Mid tempo 115
10 Power Ninja Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, guitar, children's voices, Fast tempo 150
8 My Sweet Unicorn - Instrumental Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, toy piano, piano, toy instruments, whistle, celeste, Mid tempo 120
6 Magic Wave Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, vocal sample Mid tempo 110
7 My Sweet Unicorn - Vocal Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, vocals, toy piano, piano, girl vocals, toy instruments, whistle, celeste, Mid tempo 120
5 Holiday - Instrumental Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, guitar, party noises, Mid tempo 125
4 Holiday - Vocal Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, guitar, vocals, party noises, girl vocals, Mid tempo 125
3 Children Of The World - Instrumental Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, piano, brass, trumpet, Mid tempo 110
2 Children Of The World - Vocal Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, piano, children's vocals, boy vocals, girl vocals, Mid tempo 110
1 School's Out Teen Scene ABS309CD Synthesiser, keyboard, drums, bass, school sounds, school bell, children talking, yelling, Mid tempo 125