Melodii Compuse de DAVID GODFREY

488 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo
38 In the Darkness STYE 472 - Mysterious Underscore Vol.1 STYE472 Percussion Slow , Mid Tempo
1 Lazy Stroll STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Background Vocals , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo
2 Flutter By STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
3 Spring Sings STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
4 In The Air STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Background Vocals , Claps Slow , Mid Tempo
5 Friday Fun STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps Mid Tempo , Up Beat
6 Skip Dee Loo STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Background Vocals , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
7 Row Boatin STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
8 Lucky Go STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Whistling Mid Tempo
9 Sweet Rays STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Whistling Up Beat
10 Carnival Ride STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Up Beat
11 Good Vibes STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Vibraphone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
12 Summer Swim STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Vibraphone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
13 Lazy Stroll STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps Mid Tempo
14 Lazy Stroll STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Background Vocals , Xylophone Mid Tempo
15 Lazy Stroll STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Background Vocals , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo
16 Lazy Stroll STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo
17 Flutter By STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps Mid Tempo , Up Beat
18 Flutter By STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
19 Flutter By STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
20 Spring Sings STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps Mid Tempo , Up Beat
21 Spring Sings STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Claps , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
22 Spring Sings STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Xylophone Mid Tempo , Up Beat
23 In The Air STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Drums , Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Background Vocals , Claps Slow , Mid Tempo
24 In The Air STYE 481 - Ukulele Good Vibes STYE481 Ukulele , Acoustic Guitar , Bass , Background Vocals , Claps Slow , Mid Tempo