Melodii Compuse de CORNEL SORIAN

62 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
62 The Monster 30s Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Orchestra,Percussion,Brass,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 135
64 The Clown (sting) Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Percussion,Clarinet,Trumpet,Violin,Tambourine,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 90
80 The Monster (sting) Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Orchestra,Percussion,Brass,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 135
5 Cocoon Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Strings,Flute,Harp,Drums Mid Tempo 63
6 Multifaceted Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Strings,Percussion Slow 70
12 Panic Room Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 78
31 Cocoon 60s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Strings,Flute,Harp,Drums Mid Tempo 63
32 Multifaceted 60s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Strings,Percussion Slow 70
38 Panic Room 60s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 78
47 Cocoon 30s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Strings,Flute,Harp,Drums Mid Tempo 63
48 Multifaceted 30s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Strings,Percussion Slow 70
54 Panic Room 30s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 78
63 Cocoon 15s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Strings,Flute,Harp,Drums Mid Tempo 63
64 Multifaceted 15s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Strings,Percussion Slow 70
70 Panic Room 15s Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 78
79 Cocoon (sting) Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Strings,Flute,Harp,Drums Mid Tempo 63
80 Multifaceted (sting) Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Strings,Percussion Slow 70
86 Panic Room (sting) Fantastic Tales SYNC 0400 Orchestra,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 78
8 Broken Memories Crime Drama SYNC 0417 Piano,Sound FX Slow 60
48 Broken Memories 60s Crime Drama SYNC 0417 Piano,Sound FX Slow 60
64 Broken Memories 30s Crime Drama SYNC 0417 Piano,Sound FX Slow 60
80 Broken Memories (sting) Crime Drama SYNC 0417 Piano,Sound FX Slow 60
15 Solar Eclipse Totally Epic SYNC 0420 Orchestra,Strings,Synth,Brass,Sound FX Slow 70
45 Solar Eclipse 60s Totally Epic SYNC 0420 Orchestra,Strings,Synth,Brass,Sound FX Slow 70
60 Solar Eclipse 30s Totally Epic SYNC 0420 Orchestra,Strings,Synth,Brass,Sound FX Slow 70