Melodii Compuse de CORNEL SORIAN

62 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
3 Take Courage Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Flute,Bell,Sound FX,Violin Slow 60
5 In Captivity Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Bell,Brass,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 83
15 Take Courage 60s Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Flute,Bell,Sound FX,Violin Slow 60
17 In Captivity 60s Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Bell,Brass,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 83
27 Take Courage 30s Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Flute,Bell,Sound FX,Violin Slow 60
29 In Captivity 30s Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Bell,Brass,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 83
39 Take Courage 15s Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Flute,Bell,Sound FX,Violin Slow 60
41 In Captivity 15s Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Bell,Brass,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 83
51 Take Courage (sting) Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Flute,Bell,Sound FX,Violin Slow 60
53 In Captivity (sting) Horror Story SYNC 0335 Orchestra,Bell,Brass,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 83
11 Exhausted Love Cherished Memories SYNC 0357 Piano,Instrumental,Drums,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 92
23 Exhausted Love 60s Cherished Memories SYNC 0357 Piano,Instrumental,Drums,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 92
34 Exhausted Love 30s Cherished Memories SYNC 0357 Piano,Instrumental,Drums,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 92
45 Exhausted Love 15s Cherished Memories SYNC 0357 Piano,Instrumental,Drums,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 92
56 Exhausted Love (sting) Cherished Memories SYNC 0357 Piano,Instrumental,Drums,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 92
6 Gentle Giants Relaxed Acoustic Moods SYNC 0365 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Brass,Violin,Harpsichord,Guitar Mid Tempo 70
33 Gentle Giants 60s Relaxed Acoustic Moods SYNC 0365 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Brass,Violin,Harpsichord,Guitar Mid Tempo 70
44 Gentle Giants 30s Relaxed Acoustic Moods SYNC 0365 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Brass,Violin,Harpsichord,Guitar Mid Tempo 70
55 Gentle Giants 15s Relaxed Acoustic Moods SYNC 0365 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Brass,Violin,Harpsichord,Guitar Mid Tempo 70
66 Gentle Giants (sting) Relaxed Acoustic Moods SYNC 0365 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Brass,Violin,Harpsichord,Guitar Mid Tempo 70
1 The Clown Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Percussion,Clarinet,Trumpet,Violin,Tambourine,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 90
17 The Monster Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Orchestra,Percussion,Brass,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 135
28 The Clown 60s Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Percussion,Clarinet,Trumpet,Violin,Tambourine,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 90
44 The Monster 60s Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Orchestra,Percussion,Brass,Cello,Violin Mid Tempo 135
46 The Clown 30s Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Percussion,Clarinet,Trumpet,Violin,Tambourine,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 90