76 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo
16 Quiet Mystery STYE 134 - Modern Scores Vol. 4 STYE134 Orchestration, Score Slow
17 Quite Desert STYE 134 - Modern Scores Vol. 4 STYE134 Orchestration, Score Slow
18 Relentless Attack STYE 134 - Modern Scores Vol. 4 STYE134 Orchestration, Score Up Beat
19 Sheer Suspense STYE 134 - Modern Scores Vol. 4 STYE134 Orchestration, Score Slow
25 Thoughts Alone STYE 134 - Modern Scores Vol. 4 STYE134 Orchestration, Score Slow
8 Techno Build STYE 137 - Funky Electronic Breakbeats Vol. 2 STYE137 Samples Slow/Mid
2 A Call To Arms STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Slow
8 Dream Death STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Slow
9 Escape From Evil STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Mid Tempo
12 Foreboding Conversations STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Slow
13 Foreboding Motion STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Slow
14 Gothic Vistas STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Slow
16 Here It Comes STYE 143 - Modern Scores Vol. 5 STYE143 Orchestra Slow
1 Pursuit STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Drone, Strings Slow-Upbeat
2 Encounter STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Choir, Drone Slow-Mid
3 Trunk STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Percussion, Drone Slow-Upbeat
4 The Stalker STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Harp, Choir Slow-Upbeat
5 Main Page STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Choir, Drone Mid-Upbeat
6 Kill Him STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Harp, Beat Mid-Upbeat
7 Widow's Walk STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Brass, Strings Slow-Mid
8 Rock Escape STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Harp, Brass, Strings Slow-Upbeat
9 Seductive Chase STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Vocals, Brass, Strings Upbeat
10 Nightmare STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Strings, Harp Mid-Upbeat
11 Just That STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Drone, Brass Slow-Upbeat
12 Fighting Bull STYE 159 - Trailer Music Vol. 4 STYE159 Trumpet, Strings Slow-Mid