Melodii Compuse de CHRIS DONEY

198 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
3 The Flowing Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 55
6 Growing Sadness Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Flute,Instrumental Slow 45
8 Mist In The Woods Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Violin,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 58
15 The Flowing 60s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 55
18 Growing Sadness 60s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Flute,Instrumental Slow 45
20 Mist In The Woods 60s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Violin,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 58
27 The Flowing 30s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 55
30 Growing Sadness 30s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Flute,Instrumental Slow 45
32 Mist In The Woods 30s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Violin,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 58
39 The Flowing 15s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 55
42 Growing Sadness 15s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Flute,Instrumental Slow 45
44 Mist In The Woods 15s Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Violin,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 58
51 The Flowing (sting) Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Guitar,Finger Picking Mid Tempo 55
54 Growing Sadness (sting) Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Flute,Instrumental Slow 45
56 Mist In The Woods (sting) Folk Festival SYNC 0279 Piano,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Violin,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 58
11 Logical Creative Process SYNC 0298 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
13 Logical (No Vocals) Creative Process SYNC 0298 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
24 Logical 60s Creative Process SYNC 0298 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
36 Logical 30s Creative Process SYNC 0298 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
48 Logical 15s Creative Process SYNC 0298 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
60 Logical (sting) Creative Process SYNC 0298 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
1 Change Of Perspective Natural Emotions SYNC 0300 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Cello,Dulcimer Mid Tempo 56
2 Dreams Come True Natural Emotions SYNC 0300 Piano,Strings,Instrumental,Cello Mid Tempo 105
3 Whispering Wind Natural Emotions SYNC 0300 Strings,Acoustic Guitar,Instrumental,Cello,Tuned Percussion,Guitar Mid Tempo 65
4 One Smile Lasts Natural Emotions SYNC 0300 Piano,Instrumental,Cello Mid Tempo 62