Melodii Compuse de AUSTIN FILINGO

500 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
138 Believe In Miracles A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 BG Vox Medium 82
139 Believe In Miracles A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Glockenspiel and Celeste Medium 82
140 Believe In Miracles A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Guitars Medium 82
141 Believe In Miracles A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Lead Vocal Medium 82
142 Believe In Miracles A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Percussion Medium 82
143 Believe In Miracles A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Piano Medium 82
144 Oh Santa A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Bass Medium 93
145 Oh Santa A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Drums and Sleigh Bells Medium 93
146 Oh Santa A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Elec Guitar Medium 93
147 Oh Santa A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Female Vocals Medium 93
148 Oh Santa A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Male Vocal Medium 93
149 Oh Santa A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Rhythm Ac Guitars Medium 93
150 Say Hello to Christmas A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Bass Slow 68
151 Say Hello to Christmas A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 BG Vox Slow 68
152 Say Hello to Christmas A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Drums and Sleigh Bells Slow 68
153 Say Hello to Christmas A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Guitar Slow 68
154 Say Hello to Christmas A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Lead Vocal Slow 68
155 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Ac Gtrs Medium Fast 124
156 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Bass Medium Fast 124
157 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Elec Gtr Medium Fast 124
158 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Female Vocals Medium Fast 124
159 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Male Vocal Medium Fast 124
160 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Percussion Medium Fast 124
161 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Rhythm Ukulele Medium Fast 124
162 Christmas In the Islands A Jingle and a Jangle ADV118 Slide Ukulele Medium Fast 124