Melodii Compuse de ARLENE ELOANA

89 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
51 Psychic Dream 15s Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
52 Deadfall (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 92
53 Existence (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
54 Spaces Woven (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 44
55 Growing Spaces (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 50
56 Shutter Lock (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
57 Vortex (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
58 Inner Torment (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
59 Zen (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental,Synth Slow 30
60 Universal Shift (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
61 Demons (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 52
62 Luna Eclipse (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
63 A Step Into The Dark (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
64 Psychic Dream (sting) Dark Atmospheres SYNC 0296 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
3 Infinity Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
5 Mixed Signal Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 58
6 Uncertain Place Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 45
7 The Calling Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Slow 80
9 Steady Signal Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 60
15 Infinity 60s Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30
17 Mixed Signal 60s Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 58
18 Uncertain Place 60s Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 45
19 The Calling 60s Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Slow 80
21 Steady Signal 60s Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 60
27 Infinity 30s Alien Landscapes SYNC 0311 Electronic,Instrumental Slow 30