139 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
35 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Drums , Trailer Drums , Bass Mid Tempo 110
36 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Alarms Mid Tempo 110
37 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Big Hits Mid Tempo 110
38 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Brass Mid Tempo 110
39 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Choir Mid Tempo 110
40 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Clock , Pulse Mid Tempo 110
41 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Hits , Percussion Mid Tempo 110
42 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Strings Mid Tempo 110
43 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Synth Mid Tempo 110
44 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Piano Mid Tempo 110
45 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Riser Mid Tempo 110
46 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Strings Mid Tempo 110
47 Forged In Glory 110Bpm Cm Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Synth Mid Tempo 110
48 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Drums , Trailer Drums , Bass Mid Tempo 100
49 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Alarms Mid Tempo 100
50 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Big Hits Mid Tempo 100
51 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Brass Mid Tempo 100
52 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Clock Mid Tempo 100
53 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Hits , Percussion Mid Tempo 100
54 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Strings Mid Tempo 100
55 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Synth Mid Tempo 100
56 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Piano Mid Tempo 100
57 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Riser Mid Tempo 100
58 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Strings Mid Tempo 100
59 The Final Stand 100Bpm Am Neon (Epic Superhero Hybrid Trailer Score) STYE1054 Synth Mid Tempo 100