Melodii Compuse de ANDREW PEARCE

119 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID.
11 Doom Secrets 5 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
9 Doom Secrets 3 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
10 Doom Secrets 4 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
8 Doom Secrets 2 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
7 Doom Secrets 1 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
6 Reflections On The Depths Of Hell Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
5 In The Depths Of Hell 2 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
4 In The Depths Of Hell 1 Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
3 Disturbing Revelation, A Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
2 Alien Landing Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
1 Alien Landing And Chase Dramatic Workshop 28 - Shadows Of The Soul SCD-807
29 Trouble In The Desert A Explorers SCDV-107
30 Trouble In The Desert B Explorers SCDV-107
31 Trouble In The Desert C Explorers SCDV-107
32 Trouble In The Desert D Explorers SCDV-107
33 Trouble In The Desert E Explorers SCDV-107
34 Trouble In The Desert F Explorers SCDV-107
35 Alone In The Desert News From Zimbabwe SCDV-107
1 Scenic Journey A Scenic Journey SCDV-111
2 Scenic Journey B Scenic Journey SCDV-111
3 Scenic Journey C Scenic Journey SCDV-111
4 Scenic Journey D Scenic Journey SCDV-111
5 Scenic Journey E Scenic Journey SCDV-111
7 Scenic Drive A Scenic Journey SCDV-111
8 Scenic Drive B Scenic Journey SCDV-111