Melodii Compuse de ALAN BAKER

338 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
60 Truthful (sting) Reflective Contemplation SYNC 0142 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 60
11 Fire Glowing Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 60
23 Fire Glowing 60s Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 60
35 Fire Glowing 30s Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 60
47 Fire Glowing 15s Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 60
59 Fire Glowing (sting) Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Mid Tempo 60
9 Loneliness Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Instrumental Slow 68
11 Falling Tears Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
13 Loneliness (String Version) Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Strings,Instrumental,String Quartet Slow 68
22 Loneliness 60s Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Instrumental Slow 68
24 Falling Tears 60s Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
34 Loneliness 30s Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Instrumental Slow 68
36 Falling Tears 30s Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
46 Loneliness 15s Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Instrumental Slow 68
48 Falling Tears 15s Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
58 Loneliness (sting) Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Instrumental Slow 68
60 Falling Tears (sting) Thoughtful Reflections SYNC 0165 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
9 Recollections Poignant Moods SYNC 0186 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
21 Recollections 60s Poignant Moods SYNC 0186 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
33 Recollections 30s Poignant Moods SYNC 0186 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
45 Recollections 15s Poignant Moods SYNC 0186 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
57 Recollections (sting) Poignant Moods SYNC 0186 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Slow 60
8 Eyes Glisten Natural Beauty SYNC 0187 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Up Tempo 96
24 Eyes Glisten 60s Natural Beauty SYNC 0187 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Up Tempo 96
36 Eyes Glisten 30s Natural Beauty SYNC 0187 Piano,Solo Piano,Instrumental Up Tempo 96